Greeley GP-Planning and Input

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  • #41315
    Rusty Newberry

    😳 I’ll tryagain. Posted earlier but must have hit the wrong key.

    There will be a meeting at Curt’s office Wednesday, February 16th at 7PM for anyone and everyone that has shown an interest in helping with the Greeley GP. If you can’t make it we would still like to hear what you think would make this race an event we can all feel proud of.
    We can use everything from brawns to brains so don’t hesitate to let us know what you can contribute.

    Curt’s address is: Riviera Electric
    5001 S. Zuni St. (Belleview & Sante Fe area)
    Littleton, CO

    [email protected]


    Rusty, do you mean Feb 15th, Wednesday or Feb 16th, Thursday? BTW, I mean what you know… 😆

    Rusty Newberry

    :loony: See, thats why it took me 2 tries to even post.
    Yes, that other Wednesday. The one that falls on that one before Thursday.

    February 15th!!!!

    Thanks Don. 😆 😆


    Sorry, but I can’t make that time.

    I have a date with H&R Block.

    I will still help.


    Curt Kistler

    To anyone who comes:

    We are located 1 block west of Santa Fe on Belleview. The building is between Checker Auto and a FedEx shipping facility on Zuni St. Big blue and grey 2 story building.

    Enter thru the front doors and head up the stairs. If you get lost or locked out, call 303-901-2984.

    This is going to be a working meeting to review the progress of the GGP team, and review what still needs to be accomplished. Like Rusty said, bring to the table any values and ideas you can offer. Many of us have been part of temp track racing and all that is necessary for a safe and fun weekend. The 1st Annual GGP will be a great event with the contributions and efforts of CSC racers and families.

    See you here.

    Kurt Freiburg

    I’ll be coming down from Ft. Collins; if anyone from here or Loveland wants a free ride down to the meeting, give me a call (970.215.3093).

    Thanks, Curt and Rusty!

    Mike Edwards

    I’ll be there…………Hey Kistler what’s for dinner?


    Curt Kistler

    Give AJ or Angie a shout. They may be coming from your direction.

    Mike or any other hungry folks,
    We can arrange for some pizza or go out for a burger if you want. Just let me know. Lord knows I’m gonna eat something before 7pm.

    Mike Edwards

    Curt and who ever……..Lets grab something before the meeting. Just name the time and place.


    Curt Kistler

    Mr. 45, and all hungry attendees,

    We can meet at Dewey’s American Grill for food and beverages. It’s at 5151 S. Federal just South of Belleview. Go West on Belleview past our building to Federal and turn left. It’s on the right about 1 block down. Good food, Good beer, everyone loves Dewey’s!

    I will be there around 5:30 if you want to buy me a brew and bench race a few laps.

    Rusty Newberry

    It looks like the weather will be a factor for some of you that may have planned to come to this evenings meeting.
    Even if you are unable to attend please send me your suggestions or questions so we can address them.
    You can PM me on this site or send it to me @ [email protected].

    Mike Jansen

    Y’all are going to let a little weather change your plans? Where do you all live, Las Vegas where an inch of snow shuts down the town?

    And I thought Mikaela wore a skirt…



    She does!

    Ken Bort


    I still plan on attending, snow or no!!

    Rusty Newberry

    😀 😀 Thanks to everyone that made it to the meeting.
    Hope you now understand what a great opportunity as well as a challenge this race can be.
    There are many roles to be filled and with the talent and enthusiasm shone last night I am sure we can “git ‘er done”.

    See you next week when we meet again. :cheers:

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