God Speed Dan

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  • #43773
    Doug Welch

    Very sad day.

    Mike Edwards

    R.I.P. Dan Wheldon…..You will be missed!

    Angel Ramirez


    [email protected]

    Thanks for posting this, Doug.

    My heartfelt condolences to all: Dan, his family, friends, and teammates; racers and insiders everywhere…. and to the far greater numbers of Dan’s fans, from his home nation of England and throughout the world.

    Terrible, speechless.

    RIP, Mr. Wheldon.

    [My prayers also for Mike Jansen, who was at this race.]

    [email protected]

    What would have been purely heartwarming Saturday takes on a bit of a different meaning now:

    It still is equally important to follow one’s dreams, though….

    Race in Peace, Mr. Wheldon.

    gunter desanti

    Thank you Eric, for that Gem.
    My wife Chrissie had many tears of sorrow over the past week end.
    Tonight this video brought some tears of joy.
    Thank you,

    Terry Von Tilius

    My wife and I were at the race too. I have been around race cars my entire life. I have never seen anything like it. Horror movie stuff.
    What started out as a fun filled day at the races went horribly wrong. When I saw that grey puff of tire smoke come up from the middle of the pack, I knew it was going to be bad. Just not that bad.
    My wife has lost all appetite for racing. I will keep going, of course, it’s in my blood.
    Dan Wheldon was one of true ambassadors of the sport.
    As a big fan of his, I will miss his enthusiasm and good humor.

    Rest in peace champ.

    [email protected]

    Thank You for your nice words, Gunter, and my best to you and Chrissie!

    Sorry to hear this, Terry, awful. My first live witness of this was in 1966 or so, at Hales Corners Speedway in Wisconsin, a young Native American midget racer named Dave Whitehorse. It was 50 feet away and utterly terrible, and similar in that he hit the fence rolling at the wrong angle before the full-cage era. I was only 6 and still recall more of it than I care to. I hope your wife can re-find her love for our sport, and I’d bet that she will, in time.

    Easy to say, but this is part of racing and so uncommon now compared to my roots around this great sport. I’ve had far more than my share of tragedy but keep coming back for everything else that it is.

    Take Care, All.

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