Getting ready to race

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    ok I have been on here for a little while now and we (myself and 15yr old son) are ready to race in both the club races and the CSC this next year, but I have one question, I am going to run 125 masters and he will be doing Tag senior, what we would like to know is there a better way of asking for sponsorships :idn: , and if so could someone lead us onto the right track. We are really looking forward to racing with everybody, and hopefully getting to the point of beating a couple of you 😀 , we have had the karts running and practicing for about 3-4 months now, but we are looking at the long run and thinking we will need extra help with funds later down the road. Any and all help will be greatly appriciated and thanks for everybodys time.

    Dave Ballard

    Rick Schmidt


    That’s a tough one. There are very few spectators at a kart race. Not to mention limited television or other media coverage. Mostly other racers and families in the stands. So sponsor exposure and their return is minimal. Your best bet is to talk to people you do biz with or vendors you use to get a little here and there. Some of the racers who own a business support their own efforts.

    Once you are consistently running up front and maybe a have Championship or two under your belt, you have a little more leverage to raise money.

    We’ve found it a little difficult to get a significant amount of money from any one sponsor. We have been able to get a little here and there. Which may be your best approach.


    Joe Hawley

    I agree Rick, since we have a limited amount of event advertising, most out side the Kart racing community are not aware of the events, sponsorship dollars have been for me very tough for me personally. However, since I have never been a very good salesman if you find a way to entice some sponsorship please give me a call, I?ll be your first student

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