Forum Policy as of Jan. 2018 | The Colorado

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    Hello racers!

    Happy holidays! I hope everyone is well, and has enjoyed time with their families, wherever this may have taken you.

    I wanted to briefly mention a couple housekeeping notes for 2018. These have been mentioned before, but will be enforced beginning January 01, 2018.

    • All new user registrations will use their real names. The Karter has been lenient on this in the past several months, but beginning January 01, all new user registrations will be required to utilize their actual first and last name. To be clear: This should not be news to anyone, as this has been made clear for some time now. This is done in an effort to encourage self-policing and accountability for comments and engagement on the forums.
    • All current advertising/’powered by’ space holders will begin their annual space allocation on January 01. For questions, reach out to us via email: [email protected] 

    As always, if you have questions or comments, leave them below! Or, email us: [email protected] 

    Rodney Ebersole

    I like the rule of using your name for posts made by you. It helps everyone to learn and remember others in this great sport. I will also encourage the person who made this topic to do the same,  “thecoloradokarter” “keymaster” “Us” ???

    Eric Gunderson


    Glad you like the rule. I use “us” because TCK isn’t just one person running it—it’s a few at different times. We do this because not a one of us can be online all the time throughout the day. Most of the time, it is me that is posting and “admin-ing” through The Karter admin account.

    Keymaster denotes that The Colorado Karter account is the master site account. It allows me to post site updates, monitor forum traffic, and generally improve the site.

    The keymaster account is not adjustable, meaning I can’t change the title…but, Ill do my best to post a little byline after posts in the future!

    -Eric Gunderson

    Rodney Ebersole

    Cool, Thanks, I understand a few “members and Orgs” with alphabet soup names make many posts yet I would bet every time a post is made there is only one human making the post and it’s nice to know who is saying what,where and when.


    Small update:

    After some thought, I have decided that rather than deleting classifieds postings that commenters mark as ‘Sold,’ I will be editing the headliner as Sold, with the date the seller has noted completion of sale with a comment. I will, of course, delete the post if the original poster requests it done, however.

    This will be done to keep a more ‘complete’ record of what is selling on The Karter, so that someone that is patrolling the classifieds can see what sells at what price, how quickly, etc.



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