For those who have seen the Channel 2 camera at the track…

Home Forums General Discussion For those who have seen the Channel 2 camera at the track…

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    I know this isn’t strictly racing-related, but lots of people have asked what we were doing, while shooting at TTAC and IMI…so, here’s the info:

    Brain Surgery & Parkinson’s: News2 Presents
    a Candid Portrait of Perseverance

    (KWGN-TV/CW2 Colorado)

    On Friday, May 16, 2008, News2 presents “Scott’s Story: Journey of Hope,” an emotional and candid look at the impact of Parkinson’s disease on a local man and his remarkable journey toward brain surgery to reclaim his life.

    The subject of this 30-minute news special is Scott Orr. As News2’s Interactive News Producer, Scott found himself in the unusual position of becoming a story himself, sharing his poignant battle with the realization and acceptance of his diagnosis to the decision to undergo a complicated and amazing five-hour long brain surgery at Swedish Hospital in Englewood, Colorado.

    News2 anchor Vida Urbonas and photojournalist Dave Wertheimer taped hours of footage of Scott’s life to document this very telling process of uncertainty, hope, and perseverance in order to increase awareness about how Parkinson’s impacts lives on a daily basis and the struggle to live with an illness for which there is no cure.

    “Scott’s Story: Journey of Hope” airs from 9:30-10:00PM immediately following a special edition of “News2 at Nine” on Friday, May 16, 2008 on CW2 Colorado, KWGN Channel 2. The special will also feature Scott’s own chronicle of this process on the station’s website,, along with resource links to further create awareness about Parkinson’s.

    Note: The 30-minute show will be posted, in its entirety, on the website as well. The address will be

    Angie MacEwen

    What an amazing story. I will definitely be watching Friday night. Thanks for sharing!


    Kirk Deason

    Scott, I watched the show (thanks for the heads up). It was really well done, kind of freaked me out about being awake during brain surgery! I was watching with a friend who manages care for seniors and she had just spoken with your surgeon that day (Dr. Kumar?) about one of her patients who has similair symptoms. Glad you are doing so much better now. See you at the track.

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