CRE shifter racing

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    Is there any organized shifter racing at CRE?

    Any races left this year?


    I’m new here i have a shifter and was planning on being there this weekend i don’t know if they are going to have a shifter race at CRE. I was out there a couple weekends ago and George told me just to come out on the 25th and we will see who shows.


    There will be plenty of shifter karts racing @ Bandi on Oct. 2 for the final round of the CSC. You are welcome to come race with us. :cheers:


    George Durdin

    There are six to eight locals that are interested in forming a spec 125 class for the 06 season…….please call 719-749-9840 for further information and local contacts.
    We have offered to run a 125 exhibition class race for those interested over the remaining events of the 05 season.

    Mitch Wright

    I happen to like CRE on a shifter very technical difficult to pass which adds to the challenge. Again out of town this weekend another racing opportunity lost.

    We are so lucky to have the diversity of tracks in or with in 2 hours of the Denver metro, all the other parts of the country I have lived in 2.5-5 hour drives where the norm to the nearest track.

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