Colorado Kart Racers Meeting!!!

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    Brad Linkus

    Stacey and I are hosting a planning meeting for the 2009 Colorado kart racing season October 17th ( Friday) at 7:00pm at the Ramada, 10 E. 120th Ave. Northglenn, CO. This meeting is to discuss the CSC (Colorado Sprint Championship) race series and the front range club racing series for 2009. Rules, classes, awards, race venues, tech, sponsors, racer representation as board members, etc… will be discussed. This meeting is an opportunity to voice your opinion on how we will proceed with the 2009 kart race season as a group, not a dictatorship. The meeting will also be open to include the members of the Colorado Junior Karting Club and how we can work together with the CSC and the club series.
    As many of you know Jim at TheTrack has decided to run his own series separate from the CSC and the IMI/TheTrack club series. It is his track and this is America and he has every right to do his own thing. We will discuss this situation as his plans will have an impact on all of us but only in terms of how it will affect our group and not to promote or support his personal plans for next season. It is not our desire to create an atmosphere of “us VS them” situation.
    Please come to this meeting with an open mind, we will not let this turn into a shouting match. It is our desire to leave this meeting with a complete plan for next season that satisfies the majority of Colorado Karters. Beverages and snacks will be provided. This meeting is important to all of us may take some time to reach a consensus.

    Joe Rosse

    We’re already making huge progress by having this meeting in October–it would be a first to have rules, schedules, etc. worked out this early!! But Brad, is it Friday the 17th, or Saturday the 18th?

    Brad Linkus

    Friday the 17th, thanks.

    larry toby

    I agree with Joe. Having a meeting like this in October is great! It will definitely help in making plans for ’09.

    I also read in ekartingnews this morning that IMI is now an official Rotax dealer and service center. It also stated IMI would be hosting a Rotax series. This is great news for Rotax drivers in the Denver area.

    2009 is shaping up nicely.


    Maybe they can make a new rule where all Masters racers MUST be in Rotax 😆 Just kidding.

    Signed a lonely Rotaxer in the Springs :bang


    Lonely in the springs. There are many rotax drivers, but not many willing to take a plunge into the rotax series because of expense. Hold tight and run the masters and the rotax series. I’ve done it many times and enjoyed the racing and Grands (twice).

    Eddy Wyatt

    Hey guys, I was working and could not make the meeting. Was wondering if any one took the minutes/talking points and could shoot me a pm with the results?

    I’m hearing a survey is coming from Brad and Stacy. Already completed one from TTAC and mailed it back.

    Appreciate it
    Eddy Wyatt

    larry toby


    The meeting had, what I thought, was some very good dialogue. Many topics were discussed and a variety of opinions were shared. However, no real decisions were made other than to select a board of folks that could make decisions with input from the karting community via surveys, internet forums, word of mouth, etc. As you would expect, that kind of forum was not conducive to making decisions. However, seeing karting friends during the off season, sharing ideas and enjoying good food was great. Thanks Brad! I can’t wait to hear what follows from the board.

    Eddy Wyatt

    Thanks Larry for the info. Hope you and yours are doing well. We had a great time this year with Mike and Austin Schimmel and are very interested in the future of Colorado Karting. In my humble opinion, the TTAC/IMI Club Sries was one of the best run state series we’ve seen in some time.

    It truely is all about the people.


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