Chassis seminar

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  • #41255
    Doug Welch

    On Saturday, Jan 28, we will be hosting a FREE seminar on chassis setup. This seminar is designed for the begining to intermmediate racer to understand the basics of chassis setup. However, everyone is welcome to attend. We ask that you RSVP so that we have an idea of how many racers will attend. 303-781-7829

    Some of the topics we will discuss are chassis design and how it relates to weight jacking and rotation. We will also be discussing basic driving technique and communication between driver and tuner.

    The format will be open so please bring your questions. If you want, bring your kart and we will go over it looking for areas of opportunity to improve your kart.

    Did I mention that this is FREE?

    larry toby

    What a generous and helpful thing to do. My family will be there.



    I’ll be there but what time is the seminar?

    Doug Welch

    Sorry guys 😳 10 am to 12 pm

    Mike Jansen


    Joe Rosse

    Thanks for doing another service for the karting community, Doug! I plan to be there for the seminar, and the boys will probably join me for the tour.


    Hi Doug,

    I’ll be there. I’m looking forward to seeing your new shop.

    Thanks for doing this,


    I am going to try to attend.

    Newbie question for you…I have my Leopard motor in my work room (to keep it warm, and the kart out in the garage. Do I need the motor on the chassis for any reason, if I brought the TrackMagic chassis down for inspection ?

    Would we be putting the karts on scales ?


    Hi Doug,

    thank you for the invite. I am new to the sport and would like to attend.

    See you there,

    Paul Bilodeau



    Make that four more for the seminar and tour.

    Brian Moore,
    Father of Brandon #77 comer 80 and nove shifter

    Jon Romenesko

    Hey Doug,

    This is a great idea! Especially for us newbies who have little to no idea on how to set up a kart. My Dad and I will most definately be there, probably for the tour as well.

    Craig Mansfield

    :rotate: I went last year and learned alot. I will bring Zach and Don this year.. I need to look at the brake parts again and will bring some money this time.

    Doug Welch

    Just a quick reminder. This weekend is our open house complete with a chassis seminar, live machine demonstrations and just general bench racing.

    The days events are as scheduled
    10:00AM -12:00 PM Chassis seminar. While geared primarly for new and intermediate racers, racers of all levels can always learn more. I know I do.

    12:00PM to 2:00PM Live machine demonstrations. Ever wonder what a CNC machine looks like? Ever want to watch one run? This is your chance.

    2:00PM-4:00PM Bench racing. This is your chance to talk with your friends about the coming season. Its never to early to get the trash talking going, all in good fun of course.

    Hope to see you all there. Remember, we are 4435 West 58th Avenue, Unit E in Arvada. Call for directions if you need to. 303-781-7829


    I will see you guys down there as well.

    Kirk Deason

    Doug, Team HARDKart will be sending one representative. Thanks for offering this great seminar. This will really help us out. My kart arrived in the garage last night, I had to sit in it and make some vroom-vrooom sounds. Looking forward to turning some laps!

    Birel Spec
    IAME Power

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