2019 Colorado Karting Classic – Team & Race Thread

Home Forums Colorado Racing Series 2019 Colorado Karting Classic – Team & Race Thread

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  • #86510

    Hey Racers!

    The 2019 Colorado Karting Classic has been announced for September 28, 2019! This event will take place at Action Karting, and feature a 4-hour endurance race for Adult 206, as well as a 1-hour race for Junior 1 drivers.

    • Drivers 12+ will be allowed to compete in Adult 206.
    • Teams will be required to be composed of (3) drivers. A light division and heavy division will be allowed (light @345 lb, heavy @385 lb).

    A lot more rules will be coming as things get closer, but for now, who all is in? Who all is racing? Driver’s looking for a team? Post here! Let’s get teams together and get ready for an awesome time!


    [email protected]


    Looks like CKT has published the event registration online.


    Here is the link: https://www.coloradokartingtour.com/event-registration-now-open-for-colorado-karting-classic/


    The Event Schedule is now up!

    Here is the link. 


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