2009 CSC/IMI Awards 2010 IMI/SKUSA kart racers meeting

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  • #43145
    Brad Linkus

    2009 CSC/IMI/TheClub Awards, Kart racers meeting Saturday Jan. 23 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on 120th and I-25.
    5pm-7pm before the meeting party at the Damon’s Grill and Sports bar in the hotel. Order (and pay for your own) dinner/drinks from the wait staff at the restaurant/bar and socialize with fellow karters before the meeting.
    7pm-8pm kart racers meeting for the 2010 IMI/TheClub races and SKUSA Regional series at the event center.
    8pm-finish 2009 CSC and IMI/TheClub awards.

    Come for the party, come for the meeting, come for the awards. All kart racers invited to attend.
    Soft drinks/beer provided free at the meeting/awards in the event center 7pm-finish. No admission fee.

    RSVP: call IMI @ 303-833-4949 or email [email protected]
    Just so we have a head count for the hotel.

    Mike Edwards


    Will Sam Walls and his gang be there to talk about SKUSA and 2010?


    Brad Linkus

    Sam and our gang will be there. Bring your gang.

    Mike Edwards

    That looks like Jansen driving the locomotive…..


    Mike Jansen

    When I had hair!

    Brad Linkus

    The party, meeting, awards are this Saturday. Sam Walls will be there to tell you about SKUSA.

    Chris Wogrin

    Can’t make the meeting, hope someone can post some of the subjects that are discussed.
    Thanks the Wogrin’s

    Dave Payseno

    A BIG thank you to IMI Motorsports Complex and Grand Junction Motor Speedway and Mr. Cody for a good evening. We look forward to this up coming season.

    Gap Racing

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