1st annual Nations Cup

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    Brian Robson


    The 1st Annual Nations Cup are being held September 16-18 in Grand Junction, CO. With only 3 and a half weeks left it is important to find out who is planning on competing for the number 1 plate. Superkarts! USA is planning on pushing as many stories possible throughout the karting media.

    Any teams/drivers planning on competing in this event, please contact me with all your info as soon as possible. [email protected]

    Hope to see all of you there.


    stacey cook

    Brian, Doubletree Hotel is holding the remaining Hotel rooms for GJMS thru Friday.. Anyone still needing rooms please call today..970-241-8888

    Brian Robson

    General information and rules clarifications for the Nations Cup have been posted. Please visit http://www.superkartsusa.com


    Brian Robson

    A free barbeque and charity auction has been added to the Nations Cup thanks to some new sponsors. Please check out http://www.superkartsusa.com for more info.


    ok…… There is something i am not quite understanding here and if i am completly off base and get flamed for it on this forum….. so be it.

    How does one race event qualify a racer to hold a #1 national plate. Even more confusing to me is the Kid Karts, because this is not a SKUSA national class and is run as a local exception in CSC………but the winner of this class is awarded a national #1 plate.


    One of the most succesful racing series in the world for Pro am drivers is the SCCA run offs. The Nations Cup is modeled directly after it. In the SCCA the winner in Mid Ohio is the winner of the national championship.

    The Kid karts aren’t nationally sanctioned but were local options in CO and since the race was in CO why not accomidate members that have supported the region all year?

    stacey cook

    Well Said….


    Thanks for the reply……got it.

    We are one of those kid karts teams that you mentioned that has raced and supported the series all year.


    Your welcome, it’s nice to know we could accomidate you.

    The other thing I really liked about the one race champioship deal. Excitement.

    The race is really important and I see it getting more important in the future. But, having so much on the line makes the race important. That importance is what generates the excitement.

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