Re: Rules

Rodney Ebersole

Here is a point of veiw from apart time motor builder/Racer for 4 strokes running in Colorado. Which is a minority opionion. I am not sure if in skusa rules change as frequently. But the majority of Briggs racers in America use either IKF or WKA rules. With the OHV motor only being in it’s infant stages we will be seeing a nother new set of rules for motor tech at the begining of the year. To make a set of rules out of last years WKA or IKF rules would be setting up to be a year behind in correcting problems that all ready have been found in the “now” old rules.
As of now I am waiting for the new rules to come out before buying and building for next years races. It is allready a wait and see deal for the IKF and WKA rules, any mods to them would only lengthen the waiting time to prepare for next year and would cause possible problems for any new colorado racers. Not that I agree or want any of the rules, but I do know that John Doe will be looking at the same set of rules when they are available.
I do think that WKA and IKF are at least trying to adapt the same rules for the growth of the OHV. WKA rules are on-line. The simpilest thing you could do is instate a set of local option rules to eliminate any high cost political rules national orginization tend to make.
Brad has allways been the leader in orginizing this goal in January right after the new rules come out. We need to work with him on this.
For the CSCS 2004 year I do wonder if my class will even be run, as the numbers were very poor for it. I just think the average Briggs 4 stroker isn’t willing to spend what it takes to run even the CSCS. They all stayed at IMI for $45.00 a race. I think I am beginning to understand why.
It may help if the series is more divided between “PRO” and “Amateur”. I loved watching the great racing we got to see with large classes racing for all the money that interested sponcers dangled in front of them. I makes me want to join “That Crowd/Class” to see if I could race at that level and get the money. I did receive plenty of fun for the money while racing in the series in this low turn out Briggs class. Every race I still had a nother racer doing their best to beat me. I thank every one involved that let me enjoy this.
As far as understanding some one that would race a Briggs motor will take way to long to post. 🙂 There would be more of us if any one could make money while sporting and supporting complete packages for sale. IMI and CRE are the only ones I really know of attemping to do so.
The seperation of “Pro” and “Amateur” ? I did pay the same fees to race as the Pros did. I think attention to the cheapest of racers is nessasary for the growth of karting. A feeder class of Jr. and or adults ran in the Series at lower than Pro Rates might help?
Sorry for the ramblings.