Re: Re: Karting in Colorado is BROKEN

Home Forums General Discussion Karting in Colorado is BROKEN Re: Re: Karting in Colorado is BROKEN

Ray Lovestead

I agree with what Russ is saying about rentals. I think there are plenty of people who’d be up for arrive and drive using rentals as the platform. We need to get peoples butts in the seats of the karts to hook and reel them in!

As far as the difficulties getting into racing goes.. I feel exactly how Russ feels. You’ve got to be pretty stubborn about it and get in there and figure it out for yourself. There are no manuals or how-to’s for all of this. It’s trial and a lot of error.

ONE large ACTIVE club would do the trick. We need to get to and stick to a level playing field for everyone in the state.

This same discussion is (nearly always) going on over in ekartingnews.