Re: Re: 2013 Rocky Mountain ProKart Schedule

Home Forums General Discussion 2013 Rocky Mountain ProKart Schedule Re: Re: 2013 Rocky Mountain ProKart Schedule

Jon Romenesko

Balance. Since 2012 was run entirely on the western slope, I’d like to see some racing on the other tracks here in CO. Not to take anything away from GJMS or Miller – both are amazing tracks – but that was an enormous amount of travel for a Denver-based racer like myself (and here I am saying that, and I haven’t turned a wheel in anger all year 😳 ). I think for a truly amazing ‘rocky mountain’ series, we should have some races everywhere. We have some great tracks in this region, lets use them!

4 races; TTAC, SBR, IMI, and a finale at Miller/GJMS

How about we take the border war trophy one further, and have the finale at the track that holds the trophy? 2013 would be at Miller, and its up to the CO drivers to take it back and lock in the 2014 finale at GJMS! A possible temp track race would be fun too, but I know those are logistical and financial headaches, so I would stick to the permanent facilities.