Re: Proud Mom of Comer

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I am Beau Cook’s Mom. He came home from the race last weekend so very excited that he had won in the comer class. He practices every weekend and loves the sport. As a mother, I am glad that he has this opportunity to be involved in something that will hopefully keep his interest when he reaches an age where he will be faced with peer pressure and dark opportunity. He told me that eventually he will be giving up kart racing because he wants to be a world famous Nascar Racer. What a joy is it for me to see the excitement and hope in him for his future. If he for one minute felt that there was a question about his talent as a driver or the integrity of his parents and Uncle, not only would his self confidence be destroyed but I doubt he would ever want to compete again. His Dad doesn’t even have time to maintain his kart properly, let alone try and “modify” it. Anway, thank you to the staff at the track, I know its difficult to put on races, keep everyone happy and stay on schedule. Let’s all remember this is suppose to be fun for our kids – Yeah, it feels GREAT when your kid wins, and it feels even better knowing they deserve it due to their love of the sport and not by cheating.