Reply To: Tag Wts-IMI Sunday-Bill Elliott

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I just got back from vacation and saw the new IMI TaG weights. At the risk of sounding self-serving, I just wonder why no weight was added to the Soniks. The last 2 CSC TaG Master races were extremely close, the closest races of the day according to many spectators who talked to me. From where I sat the differences between the Rotaxes and the Soniks came down more to chassis setup than motors. We passed and repassed each other several times at different places on the track so I didn’t see any major Rotax lap speed advantage – certainly nothing that justifies adding 10 lbs. If there is any one advantage anyone has, it’s that the Soniks are WAY quicker on the starts. The Rotax cannot stay with them at all until we get up to speed. At the last IMI CSC TaG Master race, the 2 Soniks jumped the front row on each start. So, there is more to performance than just HP or power to weight ratio, the engine power characteristics matter, too, and the Sonik has an advantage there.