Reply To: Sunday @ IMI and the Colorado Sprint Champioships

Home Forums General Discussion Sunday @ IMI and the Colorado Sprint Champioships Reply To: Sunday @ IMI and the Colorado Sprint Champioships


I suspose this is one way to get controversy, so we can have more dialoug on the karter-it was getting boring with little posts.

My poll is just a interest poll-not a formal request for change. We started off at 20 laps and we stay at 20 laps-that is the rule.

A cardio work-out yes but in 100+ F it is torture. Maybe I will just park it after 12 or 15 laps and still beat Mike. hey what the heck happened.

Roman you need to move up or eat more McD’s or milkshakes–good job and you too Rick!

20 laps at IMI and GJ seems abit much but not at Bandi or Steamboat.