Reply To: Spec Motors or special motors for certain tracks ?

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Dave Galegor

Yes it is a done deal !
There will be Easykart spec. class racing under WKA- STARS – Easykart rules this season.
As of yesterday there are 7 Easykarts in Colorado (all of the owners plan to participate in the Colorado Easykart races) and lots of interest
via phone calls and email’s about the class.
We expect that by the time the green flag fly’s on the start of the season
you will see a field of 15 – 20 karts in the class and it will grow from there.
The Easykart class is TRUE SPEC. racing.
Everyone on the same chassis, same motor even the same rear and front drive gears.
The only changes to the race package that are allowed are:
1. Change color of bodywork
2. Change size of seat
3. Change type of steering wheel.
If you remember the IROC series, it’s very much like that.

Easykart rules are posted on
Go to Easykart and click on the Easykart Tool Box page.

Look for a post on Colorado Karter in the coming days about the class.

We did not put Easykart’s in many of the local races last year because our
focus was on national events and doing development work for Easykart.
G-RPM’s focus for 2004 Easykart was:
1. Since Easykart is mostly ran in Florida, Calif and Italy jets for higher
altitudes had not been developed.
We worked the the engineer who designed the carb for the Easykart
and developed and tested jets from sizes 77-90.
( Jet sizes previously available were 85-88 )
2. Developed MaxJet software for the Easykart 125 and 125 TAG Jr.
3. Since west of the Missisippi not may areas run the 100cc anymore,
we developed the TAG Jr. restictor for the Easykart 125 and worked
with SKUSA in the development. We provided SKUSA with all of our
test data, thus this configuration is in the SKUSA and TAG-USA
rule book for 2005.
4. Worked with SKUSA to adopt the Easykart 60cc into to SKUSA and
TAGUSA rulebook.

2004 was a busy time!
And as you can see the races that we did run, for us anyway were testing
sessions for what we were working on.
We did note the events of Easykarts in Colorado events in 2004
and posted the results on our website at: on the Easykart page.
FYI a well tuned Easykart in Easykart trim (No changes outside of Easykart rules) and good driver will run mid 39 second laps at Bandi.

FYI: G-RPM is still one of the biggest supports and lover’s of the ROTAX in
the United States.
We have been doing work with the developer of the new K98 needle
ever since it’s inception.
Look for a new release of MaxJet Software for ROTAX’s that run outside
of RMC rules in the near future.

If you have questions about Easykart or any of the products from G-RPM and HSHPage, Inc. , feel free to call me at: 720-535-9720.