Reply To: 2004 Colorado Sprint Championship series suggestions

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@J.B. Olmstead wrote:

Good post Chaz , Lets not forget about the corner workers , and the great job Doug has done for us (gratis) !
Since we are throwing around ideas , what if we didn’t change anything ??
or — How about 5 races at each of the 3 tracks , one at Steam Boat (double points) with 2 throw-outs , and cancel all club racing ?

5 Races at thre tracks plus S-Boat? Drop the club series? That makes 16 events for the state championship. That’s a lot of races for one title/class.

My initial reaction was “no way – never work”. Someone could win a championship (and easily) simply buy hitting more races than the other competitors. Might not have to win a single race or even place well. It becomes a numbers game as opposed to a test of skill.

And who can afford 16 races? I know I can’t. 8 races, maybe. 16, no way.

This scenario – numbers game – will be tied in large part to who can afford to run the most races. Your propsoed shedule better better than doubles the number of races in the series, and this will double the cost of a championship. Because Homie here can’t play that game, that kinda puts me in the SOL class.

JB, if that’s the way you guys want to set up ’04, it’s up to you, but I can’t go that route.