Reply To: Leaving Local Racing

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Curt Kistler

I ditto what everyone else has said about you. One point I want to make is that you are to karting, what we at times all loose track of. You are into this sport for fun, friendship and the thrill of racing. We can all race karts at different levels, but you have always kept things in perspective. Have fun, keep smiling, make new friends and keep coming back for more.

At every GGP meeting you had one goal: “How can we get people to attend this race and get them interested in this sport?” You had guest drivers, from the military, and were always bringing new ideas to the table to help grow this sport of ours.

You taught us how valuable life can be, and how to deal with adversity. We are all stronger and more aware of how bad decisions can change the lifes of others. Your commitment to MADD is to be commended.

I envy the folks in Canada that get to share your passion. They are the lucky one’s.

Not to offend any of the people who have performed the National Anthem at the CSC races over the years…. But, Nobody has ever belted it out like the lady you brought to the GGP this summer. That was a “proud to be an American” moment that I, as a Viet Nam vet, will always cherrish.

Safe journeys buddy, and good luck to your wife and her new location. I hope to see you next year at the GGP showing Jansen how to get down and do twenty.
