Reply To: Mini Max race at IMI (red flagged)

Home Forums General Discussion Mini Max race at IMI (red flagged) Reply To: Mini Max race at IMI (red flagged)

Brad Linkus

Every corner worker is paid and has always been. There are no volunteers at my track. The only time I get volunteer help is when we are unloading beer. I would agree that their needs to be more training for corner workers and we should not use people who are not able to run when they have to. The racer who spun out ignored the red flags for 3/4 of a lap, passing two or three of them before finally noticing at the last second that karts were stopped on the track. Not paying attention to anything but the two feet in front of your kart is a problem with the driver. You can’t hit them over the head with a 2×4 even though that may be what you need to get their attention. We should have some type of penalty for racers that do not obey flags or pay attention. Bobby went over all of the flags like he does every race but if you are oblivious to your surroundings and drive with tunnel vision you are bound to cause a wreck.
Saturday, a driver practicing came into the shop to complain about the renters, one of which had spun out, was stopped on the track not moving and he ran into him. He claimed it was a blind corner and did not see him. There are no blind corners at my track, only blind drivers who do not look ahead. There is no excuse for running into anyone on the track unless they spin right in front of you and there is no time to react or anywhere to go. If you are following a renter then you should know they do not have much experience and you should give them plenty of room and find a safe place to pass. This was not the case with this driver, the renter was sitting there not moving for 30 seconds, a shifter could have been sitting there and this racer would have hit him, what?s the difference? A rental kart had nothing to do with his mistake but he is blaming the renter. It was clearly his fault for not looking past his own feet.