Reply To: JR TAG

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Joe Rosse

BTW, my reading of the TAGUSA rules is that the only Rotax engine allowed in TAG Junior is the Junior version of the FR 125:

Which seems to be as it should. As Doug says, Stacey or Barry should be able to change a full FR125 engine to a Junior engine (just change the cylinder) for relatively low cost. Then when you’re ready to move up, you can just switch back. And no hassling over power valve maintenance in the meantime! 😛

Now, can someone explain to me why the TAGUSA rules call for the same weight (320#) for Rotax, Vortek, Parilla Leopard, and Biland in the Junior category, but far different weights for these engines in the Senior category (365, 400, 370, 385 respectively)?? As I understand it, the Rotax Jr engine is the only one of the 5 that is de-powered in Junior class–so why does it have the same minimum weight as, say, a Biland for which the Powers That Be determined extra weight was needed to compensate for its extra power?? What am I missing here??? :idn:

(Sorry if the Biland is a sore point–the same principle applies to the other engines.)