Curt Kistler

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  • Curt Kistler



    Curt Kistler

    in reply to: Friends of Bobby Sanchez #82824
    Curt Kistler

    Just a friendly reminder that there will be a get together in Bobby’s honor this Monday at 5:30 near the scoring tower at IMI Motorsports Complex. Bobby was laid to rest this past Monday with full veteran honors at Ft. Logan. It was a great ceremony, and was very well attended. Now it’s time for his racing family to show him some respect, and reflect on how Bobby has impacted our lives. Please join us Monday, 5-14-2018 @ 5:30. Thank You.

    in reply to: Kart addicts #67283
    Curt Kistler

    Hell, ask Doug about anything.

    in reply to: Kart addicts #67274
    Curt Kistler

    You want to get the Karter fired up? Just post something like “watching 4-strokes is like watching paint dry” and step back….

    in reply to: Good Luck Christian Schureman! #67222
    Curt Kistler

    @Kirk Deason wrote:


    Rick and Curt–Christian has the varsity team working on his kart, and they speak pasta. And they don’t need Motrin and Alleve after lifting the kart or fiber drinks for breakfast.

    Cris knows that Rick and I are up to our elbows tuning for Roman and Matt for this Saturday nights World Championship Ice Racing at the Budweiser Event Center in Loveland. Come on out if you want to watch some fast karts running hot Rod Ebersol 4-stroke fire breathing ice melting thumpers.

    in reply to: Ice speedway @ Budweiser Event center Feb 21 #67178
    Curt Kistler

    @Jay Jacobellis wrote:

    Hey Curtis
    I’m not weried I know one Kistler don’t have enough meat on his bones to get enough traction and the other one has too much.
    Ice Ice Baby.

    It’s not the meat Jay, it’s the onions. Pretty sure we both have you covered in that department. :rev

    in reply to: Ice speedway @ Budweiser Event center Feb 21 #67176
    Curt Kistler

    @Jay Jacobellis wrote:

    Hey Rod,

    Have you been out to the lake yet to dial my kart in. We need to set up a date to put some karts together and get some people to this race. It has always been a blast and I am looking forward to defending my title (ha ha), Mario thinks he’s got you covered this time(if he doesn’t spin), AJ wants some of that too. I talked with Dunsford and he is loosening up on some rules so we can get more karts out, mainly the body work.

    The Reigning 3x ICE King

    Prepare to be “De-Throned” Mr. Jacobellis. Just sayin….. :redcar

    in reply to: Newbie question about iridium spark plugs? #67125
    Curt Kistler

    @Kirk Deason wrote:

    You bet! They *all* come with A gap, but it may not be the right one. (that’s a joke). They may come from the factory with the correct gap but in the course of transport, storage, sale, and getting banged around in your toolbox, the gap may change. Pick up a gap tool at the autoparts store for about a buck for your peace of mind.

    Super Tuner answer right there. I taught Kirk everything I know, and he still knows nothing :loco

    in reply to: 2015 #67092
    Curt Kistler

    @Cory Ross wrote:

    What set of rules? What kind of schedule? We as racers need to help the track owners know what it is that will bring the racers in. This year showed the SKUSA RMPKC was not the right formula. But why? Why did drivers not go? I did not go because I race a Rotax and I knew there was no competition at the races to justify the costs.

    As drivers what do we want in a series? What will bring us to the track? What will get us to drive more then a hour from our home to race? If we do not answer these questions how can we expect the track owners to come up with the answers? There is nothing that says we as drivers cannot come up with a series and approach the 5 tracks in Colorado and see if they want to participate or not. This is not entirely up to the tracks. If you get a large enough group that says they will come race, most smart track owners will want to be part of it.

    Go for it. Let me know how that works out.

    in reply to: 2015 #67090
    Curt Kistler

    CO has five operational tracks open for business. West, South, North and Central. Get the track owners/operators to commit to a State series, one set of rules, a solid schedule, and have them all run each event with their own staff. Pretty simple concept.

    If they don’t come together, or agree to something this simple, it will fail. The other option, find five new track owners that want to lay down millions :money and start over. Bottom line is, the track owners have taken all the risk, they built their facilities and run them for your enjoyment. It’s difficult for them to all be on the same page for many different reasons. They all make sense when you discuss this with all of them seperately, however, getting them all into the room at once, with one goal in mind, is next to impossible.

    I thought time heals all wounds.

    in reply to: SBR Visit and Tire Test Results!!!!! #67032
    Curt Kistler

    CRE/SBR is where it all started with us in 2001. Doug Welch invited us into the family trailer during the State Championship race and planted a bug that would take our family on a wonderful journey for many years. Matt and I wittnessed some of the best racing that day that has yet to be wittnessed by me to this day. Those were the days as many will attest to, and for that, I thank you Doug and the entire Welch family.

    I have always said that if you can learn to be fast, and bring your stuff to the checkered flag at this track, then you can go anywhere in the USA and run up front. Getting it to the checkered flag at SBR wil take skillful driving, patients, great tuning of chassis and motor, and luck. That has always been the challenge that makes this track one of the best.

    One more note or comment from me. While SBR is in great hands with Lee, and I am sure he will continue to pour his heart and soul into the entire facility for your racing enjoyment and safety, I cannot go without an honorable mention to the original owner. Say what you will about George Durdin, but from what I know today about track maintenance, race day prep and logistics, on and off-track calls from the RD perspective, and everything else that goes into pulling a good race event off, George needs one more pat on the back from me. He made his fair amount of mistakes, right Doug? , but he worked his butt off from before sunrise, to sunset making sure his backyard was as good as he could make it for all of us who chose to race there.

    For that, I say thank you George, wherever you are. And congratulations Lee for obtaining your dream and having the raw passion to keep this little strip if pavement alive :bow

    I wish everyone a great SKUSA event!

    in reply to: Who is racing GJMS this weekend(11/10)? #66775
    Curt Kistler

    It’s a double edge sword. You need the flex in the seat to get the kart to roll the corner, and you need a solid seat mount to hold up under the extreme stress. Lots of solutions out there so long as you don’t shoot youself in the foot either way.

    in reply to: Who is racing GJMS this weekend(11/10)? #66773
    Curt Kistler

    @Kirk Deason wrote:

    Well, I hope you feel better, Curt. I laid awake half the night second guessing myself on the seat. I’m SURE I have the measurements right but I’ll know for sure if I get to GJ this weekend and Cook looks at me, shakes his head, and starts taking my seat apart to remount it.

    Your evil ways have triumphed again. I’ll get you Kistler!

    I hate to put the Whammy on you Tuner, but our best run in Vegas was ended by the seat falling out after Matt got some Falcone style air time with wheel-to-wheel contact. I will post a vid of that epic event at Sam Boyd Stadium later. The spacers are the way to go rather than bending the chassis mounting brackets up. Just be sure to put as much diameter fender washer on both sides of the fiberglass to absorbe the stress. Evan suffers from the same demons Matt did. They are light and small, and unfortunately needed a ton of lead on the seat to make the field. This grey hair I have was well earned, and cost lotts of :money Just trying to ease your pain buddy.
    I wish you guys the best, and will be pulling for you and the rest of the CO Karting community making the journey. God I miss this sport, and this race.

    in reply to: Who is racing GJMS this weekend(11/10)? #66771
    Curt Kistler

    @Kirk Deason wrote:

    Kistler, don’t you have an AARP meeting to attend?

    Mikey your valuable input is always appreciated. Unlike Kistler’s.

    Respect your elders Deason. Kissing Mikey #1’s butt will get you nowhere. I have tried. :stir

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