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  • #43396

    Come on CURT,AJ,CHRIS whats the real deal with the split ! Theres several rumors floating for just once cant the karters get the straight reason.The racers deserve that much! I really hope some SKUSA people show up at IMI where I know your welcome and just come and play. No politics for sure!! SWIMMIN POOLS and MOVIE STARS ! jed

    Cris Schureman

    Our plan called for 4 races. After the schedule was set, we hit a couple of road blocks with our dates in Grand Junction- scheduling conflicts due to a computer glitch at GJMS. The last date was canceled due to tragic accident that happened the week before. We had an option to reschedule the race for later in September but opted not to do so for several reasons. The bottom line is changing it again and again is not fair to the racers or the SKUSAMR group. Some of us will (individually) go up to Grand Junction to support the Cooks at the CKI race.

    Before the season started, our (original) plan was to race at PPIR on the infield. We tested the infield and decided it was not the type of surface or layout we felt comfortable running races on. Safety was a concern. The autocross lot was available and suited what we wanted to do with SKUSA in our region. I know PPIR management was disappointed in our decision from a revenue perspective, but accommodated our request to switch over to the autocross lot. We are grateful for that.

    PPIR allowed both SKUSAMR and the PPKRC to rent their autocross lot for our races. SKUSAMR was supposed to have 2 races and PPKRC was to have 3 in this parking lot. Both organizations held their first races as planned. The PPKRC canceled their second race and opted to participate in the race at TTAC instead.

    SKUSAMR’s last race was to be the 18th and 19th of this month in the autocross lot. The weekend before our race, the PPKRC was to hold their last race in the same lot. We were told by the management of PPIR we could leave the barriers set up in the lot the week following the PPKRC’s race. We would then make modifications so it was similar to the Super Nationals lay out. The national management team from SKUSA was to be here as well as racers from the other SKUSA regions.

    PPKRC has switched their last race to the infield and that has thrown us some curve balls. Without having the basic infrastructure set up the week leading up to our final race, we painfully realize there is no way to pull off our race with a level of safety and professionalism we are striving to achieve. We are concerned about safety and (being honest here) liability. There is no way to do it all in one day and do it right. In addition, PPIR managment has now requested the barriers be loaded and transported off site promptly after the race is over. Our original plan was to use them and then store the containers on the PPIR property until we need to ship them to Vegas for the Super Nationals.

    PPKRC wants to make their last race of the year special and they believe the way to achieve this is to have a race on the infield and utilize the amenities of a national caliber race track. I don’t agree with it but I can’t fault them for it. To move the race was not our decision but it has turned out to negatively impact our plans on several levels.

    PPKRC graciously invited SKUSAMR to be part of their race, count this as our last race and score our racers separately. Given the recent tragic events in Grand Junction, we have been advised not to combine SKUSAMR (by name) with another race and insurance policy until our attorney looks into potential liability issues further.

    With all of these changes happening so late in the season we have little choice but to close the year out as it stands with no more official SKUSAMR races. The PPKRC event should be a great event and I sincerely wish them the best.

    For all of you that have supported our efforts, including the PPKRC I offer a sincere Thank You. We are planning on having a meeting with our members the middle of October at Speed Raceway in Englewood to further discuss what we were confronted with this year and our plans for 2011. Details will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

    Cris Schureman


    Thats a pretty straight answer. Thanks a lot! JED

    stacey cook

    The whole SKUSA program is full of great people and friends, we started the chain of events that caused SKUSA’s grief with our scheduling glitch and for that we sincerely appologize, these people have put their heart and soul (and money) into trying to give all Colorado racers a quality race series and we all should appreciate their effort.

    Hopefully this winter will give us all a time to heal and look at what we can do to get Colorado back together as a family with people that just want to race and enjoy the friendships we have developed over the years.


    Cris Schureman

    Jed- Straight but long. Sorry. I will see you next week and my kart might even be back together.

    Stacey- Things happen. We don’t blame you for it. I blamed Bill Gates, unless of course you run a Mac and then well- Hell yes it is your fault.

    To All- Again Thanks for the support and understanding. Regardless of where we are now, there are two club races going on next week (IMI and PPKRC) and I challenge each and everyone of you to get out there and turn some laps, have some fun and hang out with friends.


    stacey cook

    Thanks Chris,

    Thats what we all need to do, leave the drama and politics at home and just go enjoy why we all do this “To have fun”
    We also have a Club race next weekend for anyone wanting to race in Grand Junction.


    Damn Stacey that was great post !! AHH BEVERLY HILLS Jed

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