What weight class is everyone running?

Home Forums LO206 What weight class is everyone running?

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    Hey All,

    It seems like the weight classes for both series are not all exactly the same. This will cause competition to be split which is unfortunate. I would really like to compete with all of you for a chance at the top place in the class. I feel the more we have going after a class the better the racing. For example, at the last few races at The Track it seemed like light and heavy had some battles but medium not a lot of people showed up. I mean I had a few battles and they were GREAT but just seems like the medium class gets all the leftovers from the other two classes. Not saying medium is bad or anything just that a lot of people do either light or heavy.

    Based on what I have heard today it looks like:

    MG series will be 300, 360, and 385

    CJKC series will be 325 and 385.

    Based on these numbers it looks like 385 would be the best weight to be in for both series as you can get used to how the kart reacts with the weight and all that. Swapping between 360 and 385 to me just seems like a lot of extra work and more time on track getting used to how the kart reacts with the different weight. Also I totally understand if you are in the weight for a 300 or 325 that adding all that weight would be a lot. I totally get that. Not saying you should move up as that would be a lot to get used to. What I am saying is all the people that are between the 360 and 385. I will for sure help you pick up your kart (edit: Besides I need the workout so I can get into the lights! lol) 😉 if its that that is causing you to decide 360 instead of 385. I want to race with as many people as I can! That is how we ALL get better!

    Due to this I would like to run in the 385 in both series. I feel a 325/300 and 385 would allow for some GREAT racing and split the field so that the fast 385s don’t actually mess up the 300/325 class (which happened last year in the night race btw… If you want the story I can give it.). 360 guys have been known to race with the light guys and cause some friction if one makes a mistake and takes the others out. 385 and 325/300 sounds more like the 300s will pull away faster and be able to pass the 385 guys. Sounds like a perfect solution. 360 just adds traffic that I feel just doesn’t lend to great racing. 2 classes seems cool with me. 3 just seems like too much. I mean 20 pounds could be more fuel in the tank which would add more front end grip. 😉

    So the question is what is everyone going to run? I am going to follow the most amount of people. I just want to race with all the fast guys as that is how I get faster. Weight doesn’t bug me as long as we are all on the same page to as much as we can be.

    Edit: I added a poll but it looks like those are not working correctly so please cast your vote below. I would really like to see who all is racing where or what their opinion is.


    I’ll probably be “that guy” who bounces back and forth between light, medium and heavy depending on the track / kart counts / what i had for breakfast, etc.. most likely won’t run for points in any one class or series, but plan on making all the CKT races.



    @adam_kasick wrote:

    I’ll probably be “that guy” who bounces back and forth between light, medium and heavy depending on the track / kart counts / what i had for breakfast, etc.. most likely won’t run for points in any one class or series, but plan on making all the CKT races.


    Why not run for points? We could all be having great battles if we all agree to run a weight class. I could see about running in the lights but would need to hit the gym hard for the next couple months.

    Though, based on the numbers last year at The Track (picking random race) there were more Heavy and Mediums than lights. I know a few of those mediums could go to light but they added weight. Those mediums missed out on a few Heavy guys that were fast! If we all join up on one or two classes I see great battles with packs of 5 karts each. Based on the numbers we had at The Track it just seems like two weight classes would lend to better racing. Keep in mind a couple of those lights are no longer in CO. 🙁 https://www.race-monitor.com/Results/Session/5477851

    We are here to race other people. I am just trying to get the amount of people we race against higher and split the lights/heavys so that they don’t race each other. As that causes friction and things of that nature due to someone making a mistake or racing with someone slowing them down when they are trying to run down their other class.

    If you look at the above session the Heavy class seems to be really close. Granted we were at 380 and 5 pounds may help even things out. The medium were close to the lights and usually raced with them. And the Heavy usually raced the Mediums. Two classes at 325/385 would be great for fully split the racing and allow for the two classes to gain people to race against increasing the FUN factor 😉

    IIRC Rotax classes last season actually requested the Jr guys race in their own race which allowed two classes within Rotax. Also IIRC at a main event these classes are run at different times anyway so you don’t really run with different classes. I understand club races are different but if we are wanting to have great turn outs with great racing within our same classes 3 just seems like too much. Rotax seems to have what I am saying why can’t we do the same?

    edit: here is another session. https://www.race-monitor.com/Results/Session/5418992 Based on that there wouldn’t be any lights as Richard and Stephanie are no longer in Colorado. Even the turn outs from The Track show that two classes would lend to better racing.

    Jeff Welch

    FWIW two LO206 classes make more sense to me than three, though I’m not racing so my opinion doesn’t count. Unless someone wants to lend me a motor and tires for the last two CSCs 🙂


    @Jeff Welch wrote:

    FWIW two LO206 classes make more sense to me than three, though I’m not racing so my opinion doesn’t count. Unless someone wants to lend me a motor and tires for the last two CSCs 🙂

    I may have a motor you can use. Though it is damaged and could fail further without warning. Though I have fixed it up to the point that it should run for a while. Would love to race with you!


    @Eddy Wyatt wrote:

    The poll does not seem to be working. So here’s my input: 325/365/395.

    By the way, Craig (CSC) will be posting an update on this topic soon.


    Cool thanks, what will you be racing?

    Craig Mansfield

    :usa: :co We are looking at these weights at this time.


    MG Reds all Briggs classes.

    Voting above doesn’t seem to be working. You will need five karts to make a class for trophies.

    Craig Mansfield
    303 242 2929


    @Craig Mansfield wrote:

    :usa: :co We are looking at these weights at this time.


    MG Reds all Briggs classes.

    Voting above doesn’t seem to be working. You will need five karts to make a class for trophies.

    Craig Mansfield
    303 242 2929

    Why are we looking at 3 instead of 2? We have two people on here that feel two classes are good and 2 that think 3 classes are good, and one that hasn’t commented either way. Can we actually get a vote to see what majority wants if we are changing weights? I would prefer 2 classes instead of 3.

    I also made a comment (edit) in my original post that the poll doesn’t work. Would need someone to fix that who is an admin of the site. 🙂 Would still like to see who all likes the 3 classes vs 2 classes.


    Listening to the community and putting it up for a vote I feel will gain more people in the class. Those that are already on the fence about tires will look at this thread and see that it is being split more and may not show up. Would love to see what the community as a whole says about this. 🙂

    Edited: To add we already have a series that has two classes. They must have heard something about LO 206 preferring two classes instead of 3. Why can’t the MG series do the same or at least put it up for vote. Everything else was voted on. We just didn’t have a turn out of LO guys to the meetings.


    I remember at the meeting bring up this as an issue and was steamrolled by the two commenting on this post that that is what the people want. How is it what the people want when 2 other people say they want 2 classes instead of 3. All I am asking is put it up for a vote as I voiced my opinion at the meeting and was ignored just as it seems I am being ignored here.

    We didn’t have enough vote at the meeting as there were only 2 drivers (That I know of) that drive LO 206 at the meeting. That isn’t considered a vote. And it was brought up that 2 classes would be better than 3 but it was ignored. I did bring this up and was ignored so I am bring it up here.

    I am going to choose a weight class and was asking in the original post what everyone is going to run but it has turned into this. I want to race with the most amount of people and I feel 2 classes would allow for this. 3 just splits up the class too much and doesn’t allow for great racing.

    Why hasn’t those that want the 3 classes speak up? I haven’t heard anything other than those setting up the racing. Seems a little one sided at the moment when we have a tied vote at the moment based on my tallies.

    I am just trying to help this series be the best that it can be and bring the community together. We lost a great track because communication failed with the community as a whole. I am trying to build this communication back. Last year all those I talked to except Eddy liked the idea of two classes why is it that we are doing 3 classes when even the other series is doing 2. Doesn’t sound like the communication is going well at the moment.

    Edit add: Based on the meeting that you said all agreed to it was stated to be 300, 360, 385 but now it’s changing again. Why is it changing? and how can it change when I am asking for a vote for a change but get told this was already voted on. When did we vote on the 3 class weight changes? I missed that one.


    Here is a poll. Vote away 😉

    The different weight class options said so far:

    Option for either two or three weight classes:

    Richard Gordon

    Votes posted. I like the 325 class, as my son weights about 160 and I have to bolt a ton of lead on to get him up over 350. Me, I like the 365. I will need a little bit of lead to make that. If there aren’t enough people for one of the classes, then you might need to make sure you can bolt on a lot of lead. Stinks for anyone that has to do that, but definitely doable.


    @Richard Gordon wrote:

    Votes posted. I like the 325 class, as my son weights about 160 and I have to bolt a ton of lead on to get him up over 350. Me, I like the 365. I will need a little bit of lead to make that. If there aren’t enough people for one of the classes, then you might need to make sure you can bolt on a lot of lead. Stinks for anyone that has to do that, but definitely doable.

    Thank you sir! I weigh about 165 (when I am down in racing weight) and ran the 350 weight class last season at the track. I had to drop gas weight in order to get to around 353. So I am thinking your son might go in the 360 class with proper fuel. Granted my kart might have been heavy but that is what I have seen.

    If I was going to run in the 385 I would just add a bunch of fuel and then maybe a couple front end weights to balance it out a little more. Not sure I would have to add much. To get down to 325 I would have to drop down to 130 pounds or so in order to make that work. Muscle weighs more than fat and when I work out I gain muscle so that isn’t going to work for me. lol 385 seems a lot easier.

    If the weight on the kart is the problem guys they make one man kart stands. I just got one this year as I was tired of lifting mine which didn’t have any weight on it. lol The money we save not running Rotax we can buy one of these fancy things 😉 http://www.bmikarts.com/Winchlift-One-Person-Stand-by-KartLift_p_413.html

    Here is one without auto but a crank.

    Cole Liggett

    I will be running 365. I am planning to run only one series and if the mg series offers the better weight class then I will probably lean towards that series.


    Based on the BriggsWRS Rules & Eligibility they have a two class structure. This is what it was last year. Looks like the standard is two classes based on BriggsWRS (which is setup by Briggs and you can win things)


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