The Track-January 2014 Announcements

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    Shelley Bailey

    As several of our racers travel across the country to race in warmer conditions this time of year, we here at The Track, are busy finalizing details for our 2014 Season!

    First off, we have officially added the growing and affordable LO206 Class. Here is the class structure that The Track at Centennial will use for LO206:

    1) Junior – 12-15 years old 325 lbs.
    2) Senior – 15+ 340 lbs
    3) Masters – 30+ 360 lbs.
    4) Duro tires – rear 710/11, front 450/10
    5) Full size chassis

    Second, we are grateful for our sponsors and to date, Precision Auto Reconditioning, Antero Automotive, Karting Coach, Sanborn and Highland CARSTAR have officially re-committed for 2014! We have several great sponsor opportunities available, including Class Sponsorships for the newly added LO206 classes. For more information, please contact Shelley Bailey at [email protected].

    Third, The Track has been working diligently on something unique and special for our banquet, and details, with the date announcement, will be released soon. It will be worth the wait!

    And finally, we have changed the date of our first race, The Rust Remover Open, from April 20th (which is Easter) to April 13th.

    For more information, please visit us at

    Jon Romenesko

    @Shelley Bailey wrote:

    First off, we have officially added the growing and affordable LO206 Class.

    That’s fantastic news! Glad to hear it.

    And i’m sure that i’m not alone when I say that I’ve never heard of Duro brand tires (until now), but after a quick Google search, it looks like they can be had for under $100 a set…which is also good news.

    Shelley Bailey

    Thanks Jon! The Duro tire has been used on our rental karts for 8 years. Jim and Roger used one set of tires in the 24 Hours at The Track Endurance race, driving almost 1200 laps!

    The Duro is a good tire that will last a long time, and is affordable. The Duro tire can be purchased at The Track.

    David Watkins

    Disregard, missed Jon’s post. Front brakes allowed/required for masters?

    Shelley Bailey

    Hi David,

    The answer to your question about “front breaks allowed/required for Masters” is no they are not allowed/required.



    I read the rules published by Briggs for LO206 racing. It is a very simple rule book that basically says 1) get the engine, 2) install it safely, 3) go race.

    Briggs and Stratton 206 Rules directly from Briggs

    There are some classes in the rule book that talk about carb configuration.

    Junior 1 Club LO206 Engine with Carb Lock, Green Carb Slide (#555740), RLV Pipe (5507)
    ASN National Jr LO206 Engine with Carb Lock, Yellow Carb Slide (#555741), RLV Pipe (5507)
    Senior/Masters LO206 Engine, RLV pipe (#5507), Stock Slide (#555590)

    What option is being considered for the Junior 12-15 class? I’m wondering if a single stock motor package is the best way to make that call?

    There are a few other rules in the book. It’s 16 pages, so a very quick read. I encourage all of us read it and ask questions here.

    I like the direction this is going, very simple and easy rules to follow. I’m excited about some very close racing.


    David Watkins

    Thanks Shelley!



    Can you get an official word on chassis rules?

    I think we all have a basic notion of safety wiring for brakes, steering, and weights. There are more detailed questions of safety for body work. I’m imagining older chassis will be used, and we should set a standard. I thought I had seen information it, but I can’t find it.

    I’m believing that full body work including side pods, full front and rear bumper. Will full width rear metal bumpers be allowed?


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