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    Tony LaPorta

    Taxes. Dont you mean robbery?????


    Terry Von Tilius

    Just remember, Tony. 2000 budget surplus. 2008 budget in the hole over $1 trillion… thanks George.
    Those are W’s taxes your paying.

    Anyway I vote for “uphill”. Less carnage going into the first turn.

    Mike Jansen

    -The longstanding way of paying for lazy people who have no intention of ever getting a job; they think Welfare is a job occupation. Why aren’t they picking up trash in America for 10 hours a week prior to picking up thier welfare checks?

    -How we pay illegal aliens their benefits when they retire or have to go to the hospitals…

    -How we bail out idiot businesses when they really screw the pooch. And then say they’re too big to fail…

    -When California goes bankrupt perhaps then America will wake up…

    Kirk Deason

    @Tony LaPorta wrote:

    Taxes. Dont you mean robbery?????


    Tony, when you are old enough to vote, THEN you get to spout off about politics. Until then…

    Did you contact Mike Weatherman about selling your kart? He was looking for a used Italkart for one of his customers.

    Tony LaPorta


    Thanks, since Im not old enough to vote, Im not old enough to watch the news or know how bad of a shape our country is in. But I guess thats a good tactic,

    Keep them damn kids in the dark!!!

    Oh and Mike, Im glad at least one other person isnt blind.

    Mike Jansen

    @Tony LaPorta wrote:

    Oh and Mike, Im glad at least one other person isnt blind.

    Tony: read the Wall Street journal it’s fair and unbiased reporting. Watch the news and you buy into things true or not. Just keep your head down, study hard, work hard, play hard. Things aren’t as bad as they seem and you can’t control it. Control what you can. Just grab the popcorn and watch.

    And on that note, Krispy Kreme is calling. Out…

    Garrick Mitchell

    @Mike Jansen wrote:

    Just keep your head down, study hard, work hard, play hard. Things aren’t as bad as they seem and you can’t control it. Control what you can.

    :clap: Hear, hear. Way too much “somebody DO something!!!” going on, and the media is stoking that fire like nobody’s business. You’ll get better and quicker results if that somebody is you.

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