Stuff from Curts update at the seminar

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    Tony LaPorta

    For those of you at the seminar, this is what greg was talking about with the Stars of karting flag men.

    Its a great vid, but to see the flager skip ahead to 2:07 .
    Hey Bobby, do you think you can start all the races at IMI like that from now on?? ❓

    Curt Kistler

    Those were the days of full fields Tony. Pretty cool stuff to watch. Just getting a kart on the first 5 rows for the main was a challenge, and a success story in itself.

    I made some head way today on our chances to race at Invesco this summer. I will be getting together with Jim and Brad later this week to take the next step forward. Keep your fingers crossed everyone. This could be huge 😀

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