SKUSA Stock Honda Carb Rule

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  • #43404
    Angie MacEwen


    Written by John Motley – National Technical Director
    Tuesday, 07 September 2010
    We have had an increasing number of inquiries regarding the use of “Air Striker” carbs and other Kehin variations of carburetors for use in Stock Honda classes.

    While we try to keep rules changes to a minimum, there occasionally are issues that require clarification or change. Whenever possible we reach out to stake holders such as competitors and engine builders prior to making changes. We have done so in the following rules update effective October 1, 2010.

    Our previous changes to the class have all been to reduce costs and equalize competition. We have mandated stock, readily available, reasonably priced components for these classes. These changes have been almost universally welcomed.

    In keeping with this philosophy we are issuing the following carburetor specifications for all Stock Honda classes, including S5:

    While we recognize there are other sources for these carburetors, Sudco supplies the vast majority of engine builders and has been selected as the designated supplier. The majority of current competitors are using these carburetors so this change should have minimal impact.

    Keihin PWK35, Sudco part # 016-150
    Keihin 38mm PWK, Sudco Part #16-153
    Keihin 38mm PWM, Sudco Part #16-170

    All other Stock CR125 Moto classes
    Keihin 38mm PWK, Sudco Part #16-153
    Keihin 38mm PWM, Sudco Part #16-170
    Note the Sudco part numbers are supplied for reference

    Revised SKUSA Rule Book changes will be released within a week

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