Series Classes

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  • #43852
    Stan Bryniarski

    We are busy putting together a race day schedule and need your help.
    Please review the classes offered ( Rocky Mountain Region) and reply as to what class you will be running.
    To assure we have allotted the appropriate amount of track time per class, we need to know what classes will be running. The sooner we can determine the racers, the sooner we can post a race weekend schedule that we can work towards. The schedule will be built to the racers needs (entries)
    I would hate to combine a class and find out we have to adjust. Those who do not know me, I pride myself with on-time schedules and this region is no different.


    Dave Payseno

    Tag JR.–GAP Racing

    David Fedler

    Mini Max and Micro Max (if offered)

    Don Dempster

    My son Cody Dempster will be racing Mini Max there are also a lot of Micro Max drivers that I think are interested will you also have Micros?

    Stan Bryniarski

    We are offering Mini Max as a dedicated local option at all the events. This decision was made by talking with the Tracks where the series will run
    We do have the opening and option to include one more “local Option” class if the interest is there.
    It takes 6 pre-entries by the event cut-off date (the Monday prior to the event weekend) to dedicate a class and schedule it to run by themselves. To dedicate the class to the series for year end awards, we would need the same participation at every event.
    Talk it up with other competitors and see what we can do. We still have time (37-days)
    Also, there will be an announcement shortly on a great program that will be offered for the cadet Mimi ROK.
    Remember; The SuperNats only offers TAG Jr and Mini ROK!

    Mike Edwards

    Stan……1. Are you allowed to change motor packages from one track to another?

    2. You may consider a Rotax Senior class as a local option.

    Mike Edwards

    Stan Bryniarski

    Per the rules, you can change the type of motor once per season. However once you make the change, you have to finish out the season on that package / engine type, you can not go back.
    The decision to offer the Mini Max as a local option was due to racers request and an agreement with all the track owners where the series will run.
    The Micro Max could be the second local option if it passes the same process of interest and track owner’s agreement.
    The reason for the Mini and Micro Max to have this option is simply because the package does not fit into any of the SKUSA class structures.
    The Jr, Sr and Masters do as TaGs and with the track selection we have this year, (as well as the configurations we will run) the Rotax will be a very competitive package in these SKUSA TaG classes.
    If my memory serves me right, a Rotax sat on the front row at last year’s SummerNats at Grand Junction after qualifying.

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