RTR Race #1 Rescheduled

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  • #44348
    Shelley Bailey

    Hello, Racing the Rockies Racers,

    Mother Nature isn’t quite ready for the start of our season. With the cold temps and wet conditions in the days leading up to Sunday, I have decided to change the date of Race #1. The Track at Centennial will start Racing the Rockies on May 2-3. We will qualify Saturday afternoon May 2, starting at 5:00pm. Sunday morning we will start off with a quick warm up, followed by Heat #1, and Main #1. We will then re-grid according to Saturday qualifying and run Heat #2, followed by Race #2. Because we will have time in the day, we will plan a break in the schedule for those of you who may need the extra time for unforeseen incidents from Race #1 to get ready for Race #2. This will put us back on schedule.

    On a side note, hopefully the extra two weeks will get everyone back to “spec” condition from the open race we just had.

    If the weather warms to above 50 and the track is dry, we will be open this Sunday for test/tune and compliance checks for the May 2-3 weekend.

    Thanks to everyone for your understanding.

    See you at The Track.



    Calendar updated with this information

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