Home Forums General Discussion PPKRC CLUB Meeting at PPIR

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  • #43596
    Roger Miller

    PPKRC is having it’s annual club meeting at PPIR Saturday starting at 9:00 am in the infield Media Center at PPIR, a SWAP meet will follow with used karts for sale and parts. Please come join us and learn about our plans for the 2011 season along with the Pikes Peak Interantional Hill Climb Fan Fest event week. We will also be talking about our TAGS USA classes along with the local option classes along with the benefits of joining PPKRC. We are teaming up with SKUSA for several races to be announced at PPIR this year. For newbies, we will be going over flagging, safety and tech issues along with teaming you up with experienced PPKRC members to help you in getting ready for the upcoming season. We are still looking for a few good people who are interested in getting involved with our PPKRC Race Day Team. Come see what its all about at PPIR, SCCA will have a driving school going on and you can see how the ladder program works. The Garage area will be open for tours. PPKRC and Tag USA membership registration will be available along with ordering MAXXIS tires. Hope to see you at PPIR.

    Roger Miller
    PPKRC, President

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