Post party, fun race – Sunday

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    Jim Keesling

    Well, December is upon us, and Mother Nature seems to like us this year, so once again….
    The Track at Centennial Fun Race, Sunday. Starts at noon. Like classes, 20-30 laps??? Yellow flag every 5, le Mans start for TaGs…
    Bring your own transponder.
    See you all at The Track!

    Mike Edwards

    I think we have some fuel left over…..not much else. So we will be there if someone I know gets there home work done.


    Greg Welch

    Going to try to bring the rotax or the shifter out, or both who knows. See everyone there.

    Rick Schmidt

    Post by Kart45 on Tue 12 2, 2008 6:36 pm
    I think we have some fuel left over…..not much else. So we will be there if someone I know gets there home work done.



    Will you get your damn homework done so Tyler can race?


    Mike Urban

    Sam and I hope to be there as well on Sunday with two TaG karts for the mix.
    See you at The Track.

    Les Prins

    I think Mikey should race.. :loony:

    Rick Schmidt

    I’m with you Les.

    IF he gets his homework done.

    Justin Mueller

    Jimmy do you have fuel out there?? what grades.. I think I am good for at least 8.5 laps :hypno

    Mike Edwards

    Justin…..I’m thinking your good for maybe 4 laps sense your sooooo out of shape! You and Don both had the whole bobble head thing going on, granted I know i couldn’t do any better but I did enjoy watching.

    Once your body becomes a “TEMPLE” like mine than you’ll understand.

    At the last tuner challenge I was “THE MAN”….until I spun, with help of course! :rotate:

    The only thing I would race would be a rotory, horsepower will always make up for lack of talent.

    Mikey (I’m as fast or faster than anyone from the pit lane) Edwards :bs:

    Les Prins

    MIkey, I know someone who maybe can borrow you a kart, you may need to have a few set of tires handy, they would only last 10 laps…..70 hp

    Looks and sounds like this:

    Jesse Runkle

    We will be there. Greg bring the rotax. I more run this year.


    If anyone needs fuel I have about 25 gallons or so of MS98 left over from the 24 hour race i would be willing to sell a few gallons of it.
    Give me a call or send me an e-mail if you are interested.
    Mike Weatherman
    [email protected]

    Eddy Wyatt

    Kirk (youngblood) Deason

    Rumor has it, you’re going to school me on Sunday. If memory serves me correct, you kicked my butt at the last fun race. Game on Bro, so bring your “A” Game. I’ll do my talkin’ on the track.

    2008 season in review part 2, livin’ in the now Mr. JIM !@#$%^&

    :rotate: LOL !!!!!!!!

    Let’s go racin’ boy’s !!!!!

    Kirk Deason

    Aww Jeez Eddy, I didn’t know you were feeling left out of the smack talking. Well, consider yourself on the ‘approved’ list of people that I will now antagonize in an effort to beat you mentally before you get to the track.

    OK pal, if I can keep the HARDKart between the white lines, you and I might just have a battle.

    For the record, at the last ‘fun race’ (there are no FUN races!) I disappeared over hill at the ledges for a lap while the REAL drivers kept it on the track. I’d say that gives you the edge 1 to nil in our new RIVALRY!!! :redmen

    The only racing I’ve done lately is couch-based. I’ve been adding ballast to my midsection in an effort to better optimize my CG. It’s very technical and physically demanding to do what I do 16ozs at a time. I’m just saying…you better watch out if you haven’t been following my style of training.

    Eddy Wyatt


    WOW, now I really feel like I belong to the CLUB, a real smack talker ehh! OK, hey, maybe you better trade in the polyester for a Elvis jump suit, given your training program!!!!

    I was trying to think of a way we could use all this competitive energy to propel us to the front of the pack in TAG Masters next year.. Got any ideas???? If I can just get Jim and Brad to let me run my new engine:

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