Photos from CJKC Colorado Karting Tour 1st race at AK 042416

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  • #44506

    It was a good weekend at the first Colorado Karting Tour race. The weather held out and other than some unwanted wind, it wasn’t bad. I always train on my photography while at the races, as I love doing action shots. Since I would like to see my photos go to good use, I am sharing, please feel free to download any that you may want. In order to save on space, I shrink my photos down as my photos are quite huge, average about 10m. I always have the originals if anyone ever wanted to blow any up 🙂

    Below I posted some cool shots. There are many more on my photobucket account (rememeber ignore advertisements):

    Here is the link to watch as a slide show:
    (just click on screen to stop slide show and then if you hit on camera it should take you to my library, etc)

    Hope you enjoy them,


    Craig Mansfield

    The looks of determination iare great. Relax and enjoy the rides.


    Very cool that you take the time to take and post these pictures!

    Much appreciated.



    Yes, thank you so much for the great pictures! I picked up one and can’t wait for it to show up!

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