One person kart loading of a trailer/pick-up bed

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    Uber Wagon

    So I just finished the platform on my little open trailer. However, only after a series of near disasters, some ramps, and a pissed off wife was I able to get the kart loaded up. 😐

    In the interest of protecting my marriage and keeping some friends at the track I am hoping to come up with a way to load and unload the kart in a true one man operation. Does anyone have any suggestions? I saw someone using an electric kartlift to load their kart in a pick-up but those seem a little pricey…



    Jeff Field

    I’ve found the one man team is tough. Getting help at the track has not been as much of a problem as in the garage. I’ve seen a few guys at the track with some trick stands that they can ratchet to the proper height and drag it onto the truck or trailer.

    With the Harbor Freight trailer we have, I can unload to the ground solo, but getting it back on or up on a stand requires help.

    Rick Schmidt


    Build your platform the same height as the kart stand, so you can one man load. I’ve loaded and unloaded many times into the back of a pickup by rolling the kart onto and off of the stand myself. The “kart lift” work well but are expensive. But they seem to work well for this. And you don’t have to buy the power assisted unit.

    Jay has a block and tackle in his garage to load his and the boys karts on his triple stand, and can do it by himself. Pretty simple and slick.

    Like you said the track usually is not the problem, but at home…

    To fix the home problem? Buy her a kart of her own!

    Garrick Mitchell

    I use a furniture dolly (carpeted wood platform with 4 casters) under the rear end, then I lift the front end to get it started on the trailer. I then pick up the back end and walk it onto the trailer. Unloading is the reverse, using a foot to position the dolly before dropping the rear end onto it.

    The next step would be to find a way to get the kart on and off the stand (without buying an electric lift). I’ve contemplated mounting some sturdy hooks at the right height on the garage wall (it’s bare studs). If I took off the front bumper, I could lift the front end of the chassis, hang it on the wall, lift the rear end, get the stand under the kart, and unhook the front end. Again, the dolly would be used to support the back end while it’s down. Hmmm… Maybe the block and tackle route makes more sense. :rotate:

    At the track, of course, there’s always someone to help with raising/lowering.

    Thankfully, my wife has been a good sport (so far) about lifting the kart. Just be sure your wife always lifts the front end. 🙂

    Tony LaPorta

    Garrick that thing about the wife and picking up the kart is sooooooo true, except in my situation replace wife with mom. 😆

    After a race at IMI in june she to this day can not even lift the front end of the kart. 😕


    I was over at IMI one day and a guy had a hand crank winch on a little crane mounted to his trailer, he could winch the kart up swing it onto the trailer or vice versa… That was pretty slick!


    We have kart stand that after loading your kart in the truck, you put the stand in your hitch. We also have an adapter that will exstend out allowing the tailgate to be left down for more bed room. Works very good, I use one when I run to the track to test.

    Give me a call if this is something you asked santa to bring you. I can show him where to find one.
    Happy Hollidays
    AJ, Lori Noud 303-587-4656

    Uber Wagon

    @Rick Schmidt wrote:

    To fix the home problem? Buy her a kart of her own!

    I am thinking a new pair of designer boots will go alot further, but we’ll see! 😉

    Thanks for the feedback everyone!


    Rick Schmidt

    Uber Wagon on Tue 12 4, 2007 9:08 am

    @Rick Schmidt wrote:

    To fix the home problem? Buy her a kart of her own!

    I am thinking a new pair of designer boots will go alot further, but we’ll see! 😉

    Thanks for the feedback everyone!


    Careful. She may be faster than you….then you may end up wearing designer boots while she tears up the kart track! :bang

    Joe Hawley

    Ken Wood had a great way of doing it. He has a small cable winch attached to one rear corner of the trailer and would lift it up off of the trailer with it. I was on a pivot so he would rotate off the trailer a place the kart either on the stand or on the ground. I thought it worked great.


    @jhawley wrote:

    Ken Wood had a great way of doing it. He has a small cable winch attached to one rear corner of the trailer and would lift it up off of the trailer with it. I was on a pivot so he would rotate off the trailer a place the kart either on the stand or on the ground. I thought it worked great.

    That sounds very much like the one that I saw.

    Garrick Mitchell

    Pickup truck-mounted cranes? Harbor Freight, baby! :dance:


    @Garrick wrote:

    Pickup truck-mounted cranes? Harbor Freight, baby! :dance:

    We have a winner!

    Bruce Boman


    Uber Wagon

    Great feedback…The wheels are turning now! 8)

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