New Track New Challenge

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    This is the track layout for the Pikes Peak Kart Racing Club ( race #1 on May 22-23 at the World Famous Pikes Peak International Raceway ( South of Colorado Springs in Fountain. On May 22 the track will be open for test and tune. With Kart Racing on May 23. Come down for what is to be Kart Racing history in the making… :rotate:

    Scale: for an idea of the scale the white roof on the right is 416ft. long :clap:

    [attachment=0:1py3h3nq]Track #1.jpg[/attachment:1py3h3nq]

    Josh Trujillo

    cool! i cant wait to burn up some rubber!


    Jon Romenesko

    Looks fun! Will this be the same layout that SKUSA uses?

    Dave Payseno

    What is the entire length? How about a long straight away?

    Chris Wogrin

    Looks Great! I’ve run auto-x on that parking lot with the SCCA and its a big!!!!!!! lot. Should be fun. Thanks Steve!
    The Wogrins

    Curt Kistler

    @Jon Romenesko wrote:

    Looks fun! Will this be the same layout that SKUSA uses?

    Does this look familiar?

    Doug Welch

    The SKUSA layout looks a lot like the SuperNats track two years ago.

    @Curt Kistler wrote:

    @Jon Romenesko wrote:

    Looks fun! Will this be the same layout that SKUSA uses?

    Does this look familiar?

    Jon Romenesko

    @Curt Kistler wrote:

    Does this look familiar?

    That looks a heck of a lot like a track i rearranged with a rental kart a couple years ago in Vegas…. 8)

    Rodney Ebersole

    What will be used for track lay out, cones, hay bails, tires, paint?

    Josh Trujillo

    My dad says we will be using poly kart racing barriers that SKUSA uses in Vegas

    Curt Kistler

    @Rodney Ebersole wrote:

    What will be used for track lay out, cones, hay bails, tires, paint?

    We are in possession of all the TechPro barriers from Vegas and all of the PPIR Kart races will be set up typical to what you see at any SKUSA Pro event. Our layouts will be different from the (3) that the PPKRC guys will set up leaving everyone who comes down (5) different temp layouts. The SKUSA tracks will incorporate Vegas style straights and more technical infields. Yes, those same pesky barriers you and Jay could not lay off the last time you went to Vegas 😆 Please come down and hit some more.

    We are moving away from the infield for various reasons. All (5) kart races will be ran on the Solo lot West of the grand stands. 12+ acers of smooth flat asphault.

    The facility does have a covered scale area, covered track entrance, seperate 30’X30′ building for tech, indoor air conditioned banquet facility next to the racing surface for spectators, penthouse views, flushing toilets, hot showers, great sound system, big pit spots…………

    We have set up a deal on a host hotel that will be announced this weekend, food vendors, resturant discounts, overnight parking, camping, ice and many other ammentities.

    More to come, so please keep watching our posts as we approach May 6th.

    Nathan Finneman

    i might be down for this! this looks awsome

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