Karter Meeting Basics

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    Angie MacEwen

    First, Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting. I wrote down the names of everyone in attendance at the meeting, so if you were not there, I don’t want to hear you complaining! There were three track owners there, Jim, Brad, and Stacey.

    The CSC will be 7 races, 2 drops. There will be 4 race weekends. 3 of them will be double race weekends, one weekend at IMI, one at Grand Junction, and one at The Track. Each of those will have a complete race day on Saturday, and another on Sunday. Saturday will run one track direction, and Sunday the other. Friday will be a dedicated practice day, with no rentals. Half of the Friday will be one track direction, and half will be the other direction. The venue of the 7th race is yet to be determined, with a major effort to have it be a temp course event. The drops cannot be used on the same weekend.

    Kid Karts – supplied Honda
    Junior 1 Honda and Junior 1 K80 (run together scored seperate)
    Mini Max
    Tag Jr
    Tag Sr
    Tag Masters
    Tag 4 Cycle Heavy and Tag 4 Cycle Light
    DD2 and DD2 Masters (will run with the Tag 4 Cycles)
    Spec 125 Light and Spec 125 Heavy (run together)
    125 Shifter and 125 Shifter Masters
    S5/Jr 80 and Novice 80 (run together)

    This is more classes, but has not added any track time.

    The IMI / Track at Centennial series is going to be again a 12 race / 2 drop series.

    Schedule will be set shortly.

    Ron Rudolph

    Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wow…………Super Cool………
    No complaints here………..
    I had faith that the powers to be would raise the bar for the Csc……

    Great Job to all involved…………. Can’t wait for 2008 !!!!!!!! :usa:

    Ron Rudolph
    Father of Travis(125 shifter), Ryan ( Mini Max ), Ryleigh ( Jr1 )

    Doug Welch

    @Angie MacEwen wrote:

    …. I don’t want to hear you complaining!

    But this is karting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

    Angie MacEwen

    doug — ha,ha. I am sure there wil be complainers, so how about this — NO WHINING! hehe

    A few additional things I forgot to mention.

    1. TAG classes will run by TAGUSA rules, and we will follow any rule changes during the season that TAGUSA makes.

    2. You have to be a member of the CSC to run at a CSC event. That is, even if you show up for one event, you will be required to pay the $100 registration fee.

    3. We will have early online race registrations, and will have a penalty for waiting until race weekend to sign up for the race.

    News on series Race Director and Tech will be out soon, and you are going to like it!


    stacey cook

    We also need a Marketing person to chase sponsors …. any idea’s?


    Sorry I missed the meeting, but was under the weather, :puke although I have asked several who attended the greatest karting meeting of all time, echo, echo, echo, if the following questions were covered, and I hear they were not.

    Any idea on what the cost will be to race in one of these two day, two race weekends? Will the fee include the two day pit spot? Will the fee now include a set or two of tires (I am assuming we get to run a new set of tires each race day)? Will fuel also be provided within these costs too? Was the cost of $250 mentioned earlier in this thread a ballpark figure and if so what exactly does it include?

    Basically, how much does this new CSC racing schedule/event resemble national racing events in regard to costs and provisions?


    Rick Schmidt

    We missed your input Don. Hope you’re feeling better.

    We were sitting there trying to remember all the important questions to ask.

    The meeting was pretty good, hope you’re not bitter!


    Mike Edwards


    With any luck, you should be able to race at least 1 week-end for what it cost to run the Rotax Grands! 😯


    Rick Schmidt


    The Grands were very expensive!!!


    Not bitter at all, and I sorry if I wrote something that makes anyone think that I am. Here was my intent: Just picture Tim “the tool man” Taylor saying “the greatest karting meeting ever….” as it reverberates around the room. Anyway, as those who know me, I am always concerned about cost in our hobby, Conner’s and mine’s, Karting. I only have so much money and everything and everyone wants more of it. I just trying to plan according based upon cost which route we are going this year.

    Rick Schmidt

    I am not sure of the exaxt numbers Don. And I don’t have the best memory, hence my hesitation to post the meeting results on the forum. But it was discussed to double the cost of the weekend due to it being a full 2 race day event. Same cost of 2 races combined into one weekend.

    It was also discussed to add a small increase if that’s what it takes to get a solid race supprt team. ie; Race Director, Tech Director and Timing and Scoring. Small increase wasn’t defined at the meeting for ovbious reasons. They have not secured these people and the related cost.

    Not sure if there will be an entry fee that is inclusive of tires and fuel. Last year we bought all of our tires for the front range races from Brad. And the west slope races from the
    Cooks. Fuel we purchased from track we were running that weekend. (Jim did not sell tires) We tried to support the track that was hosting the race. So for us, given reasonable tire and fuel prices, it won’t be any different than last year.

    No entry fee break for a second entry. (if I remember right)

    Know that’s not precise, but what I recall from the meeting.


    Can anyone tell me what the weight is for the 4 cycle light and heavy will be? The bill collectors demanded I be at work or there will be no racing for me.


    Angie MacEwen

    Don, Rick is right, the exact cost is yet to be determined. It won’t be too much longer before that information is out, as well as the schedule.

    From my notes, the weights are like this…. (not official quite yet)

    Spec Light 385
    Spec Heavy 420
    DD2 385
    DD2 Masters (32+) 420
    Tag 4 Cycle Light 385
    Tag 4 Cycle Heavy 435


    Rodney Ebersole

    Just an observation from the couch.
    First, if my Name had been included in some banquet thing to attend for doing the Rotax series then I would have been at the meeting.

    “2. You have to be a member of the CSC to run at a CSC event. That is, even if you show up for one event, you will be required to pay the $100 registration fee.”

    Maybe an Andy claus should be considered?
    Andy said,
    “Schedule your Grand Junction round so it doesn’t conflict with a GATORZ or PKC race and I’ll bring half a dozen people. “

    A one time $100.00 registration fee to do just one or two of the races is a good way to keep great competitors away. IMO not a way to get a bunch of racers to make a single CSC race weekend a good place to try and attend.
    Some of the best racing I had last year was when CSC and the rotax series raced together, yet scored separately. I hope that isn’t eliminated.
    The list of ten things to make a great series had competitors in it 4 times.

    Congrats to the CSC for landing The God of Hell Fire for race director, now give me FIRE!

    Brad Linkus

    TAG 4cycle weights were 385 light and 435 heavy

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