IMPORTANT!!! GJMS TaG Enduro Postponed!

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    Brian Robson

    Due to the continuing winter weather trend throughout Colorado, We have decided to postpone the 3 Hour TaG Enduro. The new date will be March 11, 2007.

    We would like everyone to have ample time to be able to prep their karts and shake the cobwebs off before participating in the event. We apologize for any inconvienence this might have.

    See you in March!

    Brian Robson

    Angie MacEwen

    that’s the first date on the IMI / The Track schedule at The Track.

    Brian Robson

    That is a problem. Will move it, Again! stay tuned.

    Brian Robson

    March 4, 2007


    Does this mean the deadline for entries has been extended to Feb 24th?



    Please no more changes!

    I Had to change the flight for our tuner, OUCH! Those airlines sure know how to *&^% you.

    Marc Elliott

    I second Joe, I live in Phoenix so it is a costly trip! But I understand.
    Enjoy the weather guys (72 yesterday!)

    Kirk Deason

    @Marc Elliott wrote:

    Enjoy the weather guys (72 yesterday!)

    That’s not funny, Marc. It is supposed to snow again tomorrow (another 2-4 inches) The hits just keeeep on coming. 7 weeks of snow in a row.

    Brian Robson

    We will extend the Pre- entry to 2/24.

    I know the change makes it difficult for some of us. I appreciate everyones understanding.



    We really don’t want to hear about the weather OR all of the pretty ladies down in Arizona Marc! Or……. Do we? Hum? :cheers:

    Taylor Broekemeier

    @Rick Schmidt wrote:

    We really don’t want to hear about the weather OR all of the pretty ladies down in Arizona Marc! Or……. Do we? Hum? :cheers:

    Ah come on Rick, CSU’s girls are SO much hotter than those Desert girls AND they aren’t babies when it comes to a little snow! You might find a hottie down there but try to convince her to come back to Colorado :bs:

    By the way Marc, long time no see, how are you? School and such goin well? Give me a call sometime, we need to talk. Lates


    Hey T,

    Why don’t you and I team up. We could be team Laurel and Hardey.

    I had lost 20 lbs before x-mas and now have gained 25 of it back. I look like a fire hydrant. I keep getting shorter and wider.

    Tell your parents hello and your dad that i will see him in the next week or two weather permitting.


    Hello Marcus. I will see you next week in Phone sex if you are going to be there.

    Marc Elliott

    T, whatup buddy def. will call you when I am board driving to PKC #2 thursday night. Bux-man, call my cell 303-330-2795 when you are down here, I am in Tempe, but wouldn’t mind going into Phone-sex (the city, THE CITY) And Rick, you might just want to come down before winter is over for some “testing”, and btw, there really is not a winter dress style when it is 72 in January…. :rotate:
    Peace Brothas….

    P.S. AJ, I lost your number, call me before thursday


    Alright Taylor, you may be right and under all those parka’s, bunny boots, seal skins whatever they have to wear right now to survive this perpetual arctic blast, they are hottoer. But on the other hand girls riding around with the top down (convertable that is) all skimmpy attired. Well…. maybe it just a seasonal thing. Plus, if you did convince one of those Sun Goddeses to come back here, she would need something to keep her warm. Right? You like the way I think, don’t you? Age an treachery Lol!

    Marc, afraid my “testing” days are over, something about a shock collar or electronic fence or something like that. Maybe it’s a leash, can’t seem to remember right now!

    Hope you guys are having the time of your lives and learning something to boot.

    And Richie. A fire hydrant? Do we need to chain our dogs up at the next race?

    Marc. Go getcha some at the Pkc #2 baby!!!

    Kartworks 303-587-4656 :cheers:

    Marc Elliott

    Thanks bro, cannot wait untill Pro Kart, AJ and I are in the hunt for some…fun.

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