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    Where does everyone post their gopro video’s? Throughout the various classes, I’d guess there are 5-10 gopro’s out there every race weekend, but I rarely see any uploads on youtube. Do most just keep them for their personal reference/coaching?


    Eddy Wyatt

    Hey Adam

    We missed you last race. On the GoPro vids, Richard was posting links last season of RTR vids, both RMAX and LO206. You can find them on youtube.

    Hope that helps…….



    Thanks eddy. I’ve seen those, just wondering if there were any from this year.

    Also, does anyone have a list or know of the local drivers who are headed to new castle this week? I’d imagine the Fedler’s are going… Falcone….Who else?



    Here’s a list of the Colorado driver’s at the super nat’s.

    99d Scott Falcone Kartsport North America Arrow Comet Racing Engines :co
    61d Austin Schimmel PSL Karting BirelART SwedeTech :co
    76d Everest Fedler Unser Racing Tony Kart Tru Tech Racing Engines :co
    03d Max Fedler Unser Racing Tony Kart Tru Tech Racing Engines :co
    5d Joe Brienza Unser Racing Tony Kart Tru Tech Racing Engines :co


    Day one of practice left a little rubber on the track at new castle.
    Credit: Twitter @Derekjdignan


    I plan on posting all of mine 😉 Just need time to get them all completed. Sounds like a winter project for me. lol Just too busy during the summer to get it done.

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