Fun Race, Sunday Nov. 2

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    Jim Keesling

    With all the warm weather we are having, The Track at Centennial will host a “Fun Race” on Sunday starting at 12:00 noon.

    We will group like classes, pea-pick position, and run a 20 lap race.

    Hope to see you all there, getting ready for the SuperNats!


    Mike Urban

    Sam and I are looking forward to it:

    Fantastic weather, great track, good friends, some kart racing, and the last event of the
    Formula One season in Brazil on TV from 9:30 am till noon, showing
    trackside at “The Garage.”

    Can’t wait,


    Jack Warrington

    Coop and will be there, mabey his first race. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Justin Mueller

    WOW a race in November Only at TTAC :usa: :banana Jim will you be racing your Red bull Kart?

    Jim Keesling

    Broken nose cone, broken front wing, no Jager machine…
    Sure, why not…
    Actually, it is on display at The Track for all to see. Still, what a fun event the soap box was. Two of us are already planning for next years, wherever it is!!!

    See you on Sunday, open track until noon, then we will start the gridding…Transponders optional…

    Kirk Deason

    Team HARDKart will be there…looking for Troy Smith.

    Troy Smith

    You’re killin’ me over here Deason…

    Jeff Field

    I’m coming just to see this tag grudge match. :rotate:


    come on jibco; let’s go for pinks!!

    Jeff Field

    @JOHN BRADLEY wrote:

    come on jibco; let’s go for pinks!!

    Ha! You want this heap back? 😯

    If anyone wants to loan me a tag engine package that I slide on this 50mm setup for oh, say 30 laps? That would be cool. I think that’s what this gp6 will be next season, just not there yet. If not, I’ll chase jack around in the stocker.

    Jeff Field

    what time can we get in?

    Justin Mueller

    What a blast especially in November …… I wish I was good for more then 4 laps….wow take a year off and it is a real BI$%^ getting back in a shifter

    Jeff Field

    Thanks for the fun run, guys. What a nice day to play at The Track. Some fast young’ns out there preparing for Vegas. Good luck to all.

    Kirk Deason

    I had a great time, Jeff and I have the HARDKart running strong.

    In other news, Team HARDKart is pleased to announce that Troy Smith has been upgraded from friendly rival to ARCH ENEMY due to his ‘no show’ status.

    Sad sad sad, Troy. And I have good info on the real reason you didn’t come.

    I think if Troy were to post the REAL REASON he didn’t come out for a fun run, I might let him off the hook.

    Mike Jansen

    Orion Scared the polyester out of him!

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