Home Forums General Discussion DOUBLE POINTS RACE at The TRACK?

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  • #42453
    Greg Johnson

    Jim, is the last club race a double points race? No heat, 2 mains.

    Les Prins

    Since it was not scheduled as a double points race from the beginning, someone who has made every race this season and decided to take this race as a drop will lose a lot of points on that second main. If there were 3 drops, one at each track and another of your choice, then it might be OK…Just my thoughts.

    David Watkins

    I agree. The schedule and points/drop structure was decided at the beginning of the season and I’m sure many people including myself wouldn’t agree with effectively adding another race to the season.

    Joe Hawley

    I totally agree, I know of no rule that makes any allowances for a double points race at either track. Since I have run both tracks it wouldn?t make a lot of difference to me however someone who only runs, let?s say at IMI, loses out on two complete races by not showing up for the double points race, and could lose quite a few positions due to a change in the rules at this late date. To keep it fair if in the future double points races are allowed, both tracks should be allowed equal numbers of double points races within the series. Sorry folks only my 2 cents worth, I will now get off my soapbox and back to what I do best. Thanks for listening.

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