Daily costs of kart racing

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    I have a few karting questions !

    1. how much does it costs on a average race day? ( excluding tires and fuel and crashes). looking for pit passes, entry fees,

    2. Do most of the tracks charge a pit stall fee, if so what is it?

    3.Is the CSC and club racing two different things, if so how much to join each of them? and how do I do that?( contact names and numbers)

    4. How many races do each of the tracks hold at the club level? ( I know the CSC has 5 races in it)

    5. Can I race either or do I have to race both? (benefits of either or both)

    6. At the club level do the tracks require you to register for the year? ie a set amount to register your number)

    Im just trying to figure out, after being out of karting for several years, what the costs to me will be.

    Thanks in advance

    Kirk Deason

    @fuzzy wrote:

    I have a few karting questions !

    1. how much does it costs on a average race day? ( excluding tires and fuel and crashes). looking for pit passes, entry fees,

    2. Do most of the tracks charge a pit stall fee, if so what is it?

    3.Is the CSC and club racing two different things, if so how much to join each of them? and how do I do that?( contact names and numbers)

    4. How many races do each of the tracks hold at the club level? ( I know the CSC has 5 races in it)

    5. Can I race either or do I have to race both? (benefits of either or both)

    6. At the club level do the tracks require you to register for the year? ie a set amount to register your number)

    Im just trying to figure out, after being out of karting for several years, what the costs to me will be.

    Thanks in advance

    I’ll give this a shot. I think everybody else is out racing today.

    1. around 65 bucks or so for entry fees and a pit spot. More if you have to buy additional pit passes for crew, family, etc. You excluded consumables which can be a significant part of your outlay.

    2. Yes you pay a pit stall fee on race day, not on practice days.

    3. CSC and Club races are separate series. You do not have to join either series if you dont care about points and just want to race a few days here and there. Club racing is a great way to get your feet wet.

    4. Check each track’s website for race dates and frequency.

    5. you can race either series or both or none. How big is your wallet?

    6. I pay a yearly driver fee at the Track to ‘register’ or something. It is only like 25 bucks, check their website for details. Daily test and tune is 35 bucks at IMI and at Centennial. Also check out http://www.actionkarts.com http://www.gjmotorspeedway.com http://www.thetrack.us and http://www.cremotorsports.com for more info.

    You didn’t mention which class you were considering and where you live. What did you race previously (ref your ‘return to karting’ statement)?



    Thanks Kirk

    At the club level how much do you spend each race day? ( excluding tires, gas)

    How do I join at the club level, whats the advantage of joining, other than points?

    If I read the tracks websites right, Action has no club level races right, its either IMI or The track?

    Thanks again

    Kirk Deason

    @fuzzy wrote:

    Thanks Kirk

    At the club level how much do you spend each race day? ( excluding tires, gas)

    How do I join at the club level, whats the advantage of joining, other than points?

    If I read the tracks websites right, Action has no club level races right, its either IMI or The track?

    Thanks again

    The fees will be the same as what I listed above. There isn’t really any ‘joining’ as far as club racing goes, I just show up on the day of the race. If I want to be a part of the front range (The Track and IMI) series, I would pay 40 bucks or so at the beginning of the season to be eligible for points and trophies, etc. You don’t have to pay 200 bucks or anything to be a ‘member’ of a track or specific club if that is what you are asking.

    Club racing just means that you show up and race with the same bunch of old farts each weekend. I hope this means that you’ll be joining us in TaG Masters, huge fields (20+ karts) and close (mostly sane) racing. Everyone will help you out with any questions, prep, etc.

    what class? What kart are you considering?

    Just to give you an idea of the consumables cost, I go through a chain and sprocket each race (50 bucks), figure on 5 gallons + for testing saturday plus racing on sunday (figure 10 bucks a gallon for fuel plus castor oil) New tires are not mandatory unless you are rich or gunning for the win and championships…I use my tires about 3 weekends (but I suck). Take that for what it’s worth.



    Mr Kirk where are you?… only 2 races left in the club and 5 months for play xbox and see the white snow.. I hope see you in IMI this weekend with your ezkart making a lot the smog….
    Sergio Q.

    Tony LaPorta

    Where are you hiding? :hide You need to make it to these last 2 races man!!!
    If you can only make one, do the The track, the lasst race of the year, Ive got a good idea that involves Jansen’ kart, some skilled hiding, and alot of distraction (well wait scence it’s Mike we wont need much distraction, just bring up Gilles Villeneuve), and somthing else that you and me talked about a couple of races ago, if you know what i mean :devil :hehehe.
    If you cant rember Pm me.

    Seeya man.

    Kirk Deason

    Ha, well my xbox tanked (red ring of death) so I had to send it back to MS for a rebuild. Great…right when Halo3 is released. Perfect.

    I’m just trying to keep my fiscal head above water and stay in the black. Karting keeps putting me into the red zone, haha. I should be able to make the last race.

    For what it is worth, my brain MUST be missing karting pretty badly becasue I had dreams all night about the TaG Worlds..and I can’t even go! Durn kids and their birthdays!

    Talk to you guys soon.


    Thanks for all the information……..If I ever find a kart I will join you in the old farts division…i mean the Tag Masters…sorry I hope I didnt hurt anyones feelings.

    I plan on going to the IMI on Oct 6th to take in the sights and sounds…will you be there? If so tell me where.


    Tony LaPorta
    fuzzy wrote:
    sorry I hope I didnt hurt anyones feelings.

    Dont worry Fuzzy, it dosent hurt them one bit, just watch them race 😉

    Tony LaPorta

    Dont tell me your a Halo Freak?? Let me guess, on certin nights after a bad race you dress up like Harry Potter and cast evil spells on the competion??
    Sad sad Kirk, Im a teen ager and im not even a HALO freak, let me guess your just a sad teen ager, trapped in a short even sadder tag master’s body :bag ? :banana
    oooh that was a Zinger


    Kirk Deason

    @Road Runner wrote:

    Dont tell me your a Halo Freak?? Let me guess, on certin nights after a bad race you dress up like Harry Potter and cast evil spells on the competion??
    Sad sad Kirk, Im a teen ager and im not even a HALO freak, let me guess your just a sad teen ager, trapped in a short even sadder tag master’s body :bag ? :banana
    oooh that was a Zinger


    Tony, I’m starting a WHOLE new thread for you over in another forum. I am more than happy to respond to your blatant Masters Baiting (heh) attacks.

    Tony LaPorta

    Yea, sorry for jacking this thread 😳
    Im better than taht sorry. 😆

    Kirk Deason

    @fuzzy wrote:

    Thanks for all the information……..If I ever find a kart I will join you in the old farts division…i mean the Tag Masters…sorry I hope I didnt hurt anyones feelings.
    I plan on going to the IMI on Oct 6th to take in the sights and sounds…will you be there? If so tell me where.


    It’s ok, you can call us ‘old farts’. Jansen is a perfect example.
    Have a good time looking around the pits, ask lots of questions, most people will be happy to chat with you.

    Hey, you might find a good deal right there at the track when you are looking around. Someone might wanna unload a lightly used chassis or motor.

    Mike Jansen

    @Kirk_Deason wrote:

    It’s ok, you can call us ‘old farts’. Jansen is a perfect example.

    Hey, don’t let the lack of hair on the top of my head fool you. I’m really 30. I just lost a bet playing golf once and someone took out a divot. Actually, I’m 55 and when you and Tony can beat me consistently then y’all can pop off. 8) I love beating puppies (figure of speech only)


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