Critical Zone Racing headed to FWT

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    stacey cook

    Critical Zone Racings Ben Schermerhorn (Superpro), Sabre’ Cook(Tag Jr.) and Mike Cunningham (Shifter Masters) are headed to the Florida Winter January 14th with PSL Karting.. The Florida Winter Tour is one of the premier racing events in the country and should be a great challenge and lots of fun. Good Luck…

    Rick Schmidt

    Will you guys feed and water Cunningham this time?


    Good luck. Keep getting Sabre all the big event seat time possible. It will be good to see Ben running SP on the National event level.

    Good luck CZ Racing


    stacey cook

    We will have Cunningham on a IV.. Ben will be soooo tough with a little time tangling with the top Superpro’s I think he will shock alot of people… Sabre’ was really bummed after Vegas, never really got chance to see what she could do with all the chaos. This will be a learning experience.. CWT could also be tough in Masters if he doesn’t pass out…

    Mike Edwards


    Don’t forget your welder!!!!!


    Tony LaPorta

    Go get em guys.!!!
    Mike best of luck as always (doubt you’ll need it though!!)

    Would kill to go with ya guys.


    stacey cook

    Thanks everyone.. The last time I spent the winter in Florida was 1983. Went for the Motocross AMA National Winter Series, lived in my van at the Yogi Bear campground in Orlando and had the time of my life..


    You know, there is just something uncomfortable thinking of Stacey reminiscing of the Yogi Bear Park and CWT in the same thread. I can’t get this image of the two of them spooning in the campground. Damm, got that acidy taste in my mouth over that visual…..

    stacey cook

    Hey now… CWT is on his own….. you are the one building the new “rig” with the private lounge for you and Chubby…. 😆

    Bobby Sanchez

    Stacy ,Have fun and race your hearts out and of course we need reports on how your team does OKAY…

    Mike Cunningham

    I wish we had more going with us, i hate trying to compare with Ben and Sabre’. They ALWAYS make people look bad. Come on chopper, go with us, that will help me out, you always make me look good. 😆 If we all can keep from paying for a room by the hour it will be fun.
    KCWT ( kinda chubby white tiger ) cant us chisled no more.

    Ben Schermerhorn

    Thanks, guys, I can’t wait to trade rubber with guys like leeseman and spicer. I think I’m going to learn a lot. We’ll show those guys what its like racing mile high.

    CWT I’m bringing your mychron down with me. I also have a oxygen mask and a hoist to get you in and out of the kart between mains.

    Tony LaPorta

    Mike, I’ll go with ya.

    Im slow enough to make you look good.

    Mike Cunningham

    Road Runner
    What are you thinking ? Have two world champs on the track at the same time, that just would not be fair to the others. :wave
    Thanks Ben, would you also grab the steering wheel wedge for me to.

    Troy Smith

    Best of luck to the entire CZ Race Team!

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