Colorado Junior Karting Club

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  • #44217
    Rodney Ebersole

    I am in search of this Clubs race schedule. The .com link on here doesn’t work, even their forum section is gone. It seems strange, is it now a private Club? I am sure Richard would post on this sites calendar when and where their races are, if he was informed of the dates and places. Then again if they don’t want any one to know, they are doing a good job. 😛

    Eddy Wyatt


    Try deleting cookies and refresh your browser. The link works for me and the dates are up on their homepage.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Thanks Eddy, I kept my cookies and the link worked today, yet just like SKUSA I now know the dates, I just don’t know where I am taking my date to. 🙂

    Stacey Shepard


    Popular to common belief, the CJKC is alive and well. We have focused all of our marketing messages on our Facebook site and our main website ( Driving traffic to our website allows us to track visitors and make our site more user friendly. We can track which pages get a lot of traffic and which ones do not. This allows us to better design our website.

    The schedule “dates” have been on our site for a couple of weeks now, but the actual tracks were not. We had to get our track negotiations to a certain point before we were comfortable putting out a schedule that we felt would not change.

    Having said that, we have now posted the actual dates (with tracks) on our site.

    While we have been focused on putting our message on our web site, we have neglected the Karter. I apologize for this, as it is not our intention to have the CJKC looked at as a “private club”, and we will do a better job with posting to this site.

    Thank you for your feedback, and we look forward to seeing you at the races this year. It should be another really fun year.

    Stacey Shepard
    Colorado Junior Karting Club



    I updated the calendar to include all the CJKC dates. Thanks for keeping us notified.



    I can tell you guys have focused on the marketing message on your website. It looks really good, and is easy to navigate. Well Done.


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