Any interest in ice racing?

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    Cory Ross

    I am sure most of you saw the video I made of ice karting. There is the chance of being able to do some races here on the track. It might not happen this year but we could start planning for next year. I am just wondering what kind of interest their might be? I am not sure about head to head racing with open wheel studded tires, so it might be more of a time trial event. The track I have this year is 7/10ths of a mile long 20′ wide and has a 800’+ straight. It is on a man made ski lake(200’x1800′) and has plenty of room to build up to a mile long track. The lake is in El Jebel(halfway between Aspen and Glenwood Springs) right off hwy 82.

    I have a few friends here that have expressed interest in getting a kart just for driving on the ice next winter. Wondering who else would be interested?

    Rodney Ebersole

    Hi Cory, Your video was assume. I would like to invite you and others interested to a play day at the Kenosha Trout Club this Saturday. It looks like the weather may be in our favor to allow for it to happen. Roy Shriner and I have 7 different karts shoed up for the ice that will fit adult sized drivers that would like test out the frozen water. The lake is at the end of CR58 off the east side of Kenosha pass and Hwy. 285. Call me @ 303-838-19fortyone for more info and time.

    Mike Edwards

    Hey Rodney…..

    Thanks for the invite….I would love to come up and race around on the ice but this weekend won’t work for me. Let me know if you plan on going up again, sounds like fun!

    Mike Edwards

    Rodney Ebersole

    Sorry you cant’ make it Mike. At this time we could use a few more drivers for the eight karts that are ready.

    Cory Ross

    Sounds fun, I have to work this weekend so I cannot make it. Thanks for the invite.

    What have you done to prep your tires for the ice?

    I need to stop being lazy and order up some Kold Kutter screws to make another set of tires.

    Rodney Ebersole

    Cory, We have most of the karts fitted with snow hog snow blower tires and 5/8″ sliver rocket racing screws. One kart has my old style mad max chains and spikes.

    Craig Mansfield

    :usa: Freeze Case and I have to work. Last minute problems will make next event. Stay right side up

    Rodney Ebersole

    Well we had a chance for a special warm sunny day at a high mountain frozen lake with free tires,free fuel, free karts, and free track time yet nobody showed up. I’m gonna eat some worms. 😕

    Cory Ross

    The million dollar question in karting, how to get people to actually show up.

    Do you run with a lot of snow on the track? I just do not see the advantage of a skinny tire with tall knobs like the snow hog on a bare ice surface.

    Went for a little hike today and got a picture of the lake with the track on it today.

    Rodney Ebersole

    We have a verity of track conditions from smooth wind blown slick ice like when we raced at the Zamboni prepped indoor hockey rink Budweiser Event center to snow covered, too high to play in areas.
    Most of the karts were geared for short oval racing rather than longer sprint tracks like the beauty you have going on. I bet your near the same gear ratio as the Grand Junction track?
    I hope that some time I’ll get to show you the advantage I think I have seen with a narrower taller softer gripper knobby tire on smooth ice. When a number of karts run on a smooth track it gets rutted up in the corners rather quickly.

    Craig Mansfield

    :usa: I heard they taste like worms. I will make it next time

    Jon Romenesko

    I’d love to give it a go. Looks like a blast!

    Stacey Shepard

    I did not seed this in time. We probably would have come if I would have saw this before today. 🙁

    Rodney Ebersole

    I might have thawed out a bit, but the lake is still Frozen. I haven’t seen any thing on here about the CJKC racing this year either Stacey. Is the sun suppose to shine good this weekend?

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