Alan Rudolph interview

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    Rick Schmidt

    Interesting interview with a racer I personally would consider one of the most prolific karters in our generation!

    I have always enjoyed racing from behind the controls of the machine being contested. But I love watching good racing and loved doing this long before I was ever lucky enough to compete and still do. This is a racer who really is a racers racer.

    We did not know him and he was on another team, but he took the time to come to our pit and comment on how he liked Romans calm hands on the wheel and his ability to be competitive being big with the weight penalty. Roman was in his first year of shifter as well and Alan suggested Roman develop the ability to drive a shifter with the left hand and be comfortable driving with his left hand only. That is exactly what we did and some have indicated what I did to train Roman to do this borders on child abuse? Maybe?

    You think Roman took it to heart? Ever watch his ability to drive left hand only?
    Alan’s influence on one racer. It stuck. He’s left a mark on many others as well.

    Point is? You ever watch this guy drive? Maybe he is too old to run with the teenagers coming up, it can be a young mans sport at the very highest level. (this is the progression of life) But if you know what your looking for, this is one very smooth driver who is very comfortable driving the entire race with one foot over the edge and being in total control at the same time. What a driver. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this master perform his art. I saw him helping Barry’s customers and propel Richies RBI team beyond what I imagine they expected too. Never seemed to look down on any one. Again, we weren’t on that team but I couldn’t help but keep an eye on what he did as such a humble racer with such an extreme skill set. It was fun to watch.

    I believe we are very lucky here in Colorado to have so many great racing venues, and it looks like there are more tantalizing circuits coming. The claims of Colorado’s Premier karting facilities and so forth are certainly claims that come from very good tracks. Grand Junction Motor Speedway has to be proud to be on the greatest karter of our times, top 5 karting facilities of all time list. Wow! And I am in good company in my belief that this is a very very good place to race, for all the reasons we all know. Shop, indoor bath rooms, live timing and scoring, an excellent race track that is smooth and easy on equipment… and on and on. Glad to see such a great racer hold one our tracks in as high a regard as many of the racers do.

    Check out this interview. It stimulated responses from some of the greatest our sport has ever had to offer as well.

    Pretty cool. Glad we had the opportunity to watch him, what a down to earth racer who makes it look so easy. He set the bar higher for all that follow him in this sport.

    Read the interview here.




    Hope your getting stronger every day! I plan on making it back to Colorado for a few races in 09 (as long as all of these series don’t split the entries).

    You are right about Alan. He did help propel our program to another level. as did AJ Noud. You can see that in AJ’s program and success today. Alan was always so much fun to watch in anything he drove. And, the one cool thing about him, he never got nervous in ANYTHING. At Petite lemans at Road Atlanta, he was getting ready to crawl into the LMP2 car for his first stint. While we were helping him get his stuff on Kelly asked “are you nervous?” He simply replied, “Hell No, this is my job.” then crawled in the car and was picking people off like crazy (until the engine blew 3rd stint or so). That is exactly how he is in anything he races. From karts, race cars, or trying to scare me in rental cars, he never seemed rattled. That was the cool thing about watching him.

    And most importantly, the image you see of him helping everyone and being kind is not an acting job. One of the coolest people with the biggest heart. The memories of being in Italy, racing in colorado, star mazda, everything. That is why I miss racing soooooo much. gotta hang out with a true friend every weekend.

    See you all next year. (notice I did not type Y’all) NEVER!!!!!!!!


    I really dug his interview.

    Also, I really really liked his proposal of what should be done with karting as far as promoting it.

    I think a big-name shootout that follows/travels with AMA Supercross,etc….to compete for a big purse would be kickass.
    It would get it up on TV and maybe even ESPN….allow a lot of these guys exposure, etc.

    It was cool also to see Alan talk about driving school Formula Cars….and pretty much how uneven they (are) or can be.
    I totally agree:)

    Sounds like a really cool guy. :usa:

    stacey cook


    Alan has driven on most every track in the country so to even be mentioned is an honor. We are lucky with all the great people here in Colorado that come to our facility and really do appreciate the improvements we make, that is what makes it all worthwhile.

    As for Alan, when you think of the perfect driver he it the first on the list in my opinion. The smoothest driver I have ever seen, so effortless and calm, also one of the fastest ever and most importantly a great role model for our kids. Sabre’ for one has tried to copy his style and is also very aware of how well he handles himself off the track with fans and sponsors. The one thing I never understood is why someone did not or has not put him in a racecar fulltime. Had he had a chance I am sure we would of seen him fulltime in either Nascar, Indy or maybe even Formula One..

    Merry Christmas to everyone…

    Jeff Field

    Great read, Thanks Rick. I was too busy to read it last week when it popped up. Glad you reminded me.

    Ron Rudolph

    Often there has been many times the question has been asked ” Are you related to Alan?”
    Let it be known that somewhere way back in time, Like way back when the Rudolph’s
    came from Germany and settled in this beautiful country – there was a connection :mrgreen:

    Mr. Alan Rudolph has been a great inspiration to both Travis and Ryan. Infact When Travis
    ran the Greeley Grand Prix, Alan Smiled and said “Wow I’m not the only Rudolph in Karting!”
    He and Richy B. helped Travis dial in the RBI Chassis and Travis podiumed that weekend..

    Alan is a class act……………… :clap:

    Ron Rudolph
    My drivers:
    Travis Rudolph 125 shifter
    Ryan Rudolph “2008 Mini Max Champion”- 2009 Tag Jr. / S5

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