Absolutely amazed and now trying to do the math

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    Well today was a very interesting day. We went to PPIR to run our Legends race car for the very first time. Entry fee to race was $25 pit pass was $15 each per person (No pit space fee). It was a good day from my point of view even though my son finished dead last 18th out of 18. Now for the amazing part even with very few spectators. Basically all that was there were families of the racers. First place got paid $250 with declining payouts all the way to last place. My son recieved $20 for last place!!! WOW am I amazed. In all the years of karting both at the local level as well as going to race at STARS we had never collected anything but a piece of plastic that collects dust some call it a trophy. Now trying to do the math. I have never gone to a local race, or national race that ever collected that small of a fee (combining pit pass, entry fee, pit space), and now really wondering why there are no payouts? It could be a gift certificate, new set of tires, or free entry to the next race. I think the track and or organizer should make money thats why they are in buisiness and should be supported. After todays shocking news of collecting money for last place, however, I believe that a portion of the money should go back to the racers that support your series and or track.

    Derick “Brian” Moore
    Father of Brandon #77 Legends

    Anthony Giannone


    That is the main reason me and my dad are moving up to cars.

    C Kistler

    Just looking at Legends, 18 X $25.00 = $450.00. When we (SKUSAMR) were going to utilize the infield at PPIR the ticket was $5,000.00 per day. I know as a fact that the other supporting classes yesterday did not add up in numbers to make up the difference, and the $$$ for a wristband nets the promoter around $10.00ea., if sold at $15.00. In other words, someone lost their arse promoting your race yesterday, or , someone has some major sponsor bucks to keep the series going. (Or, the real cost for the infield varies for certain events).

    Karting has never had a series that could pay out unless the promoter had a major sponsor to support it. In this economy it is not going to happen. What little money there is out there to be thrown around by companies that support racing does not seem to trickle down to our sport. There are some that step up for the Supernationals, some street races, some one-off events and so on, but to think that IMI, GJ or TTAC has any money to throw around after they cover their costs you are dreaming. We should all be thankfull in CO that there are so many options on any weekend to go race and attempt to bring home anything the promoters and track owners bring to the podium.

    Sounds like you are going to be heading into another direction, along with some other local karters. Good luck and have fun. Most of all, keep your son buckled up tight in those cars and surround him with the best safety equipment money can buy.

    Angie MacEwen

    It was great seeing you and Brandon there at the race! Brandon did great. Cole finished 14th in the Main (also got $20 payback)- starting in the back each time as a rookie. I think both boys did great. 18 cars, 25 laps, and no cautions… that was great!
    Here is a video of the Main. I ran out of memory on about lap 20, so didn’t get to the very end.

    Thank you Tony LaPorta for some great announcing, and especially for the extra shout out for Cole and Brandon at the beginning of the race.

    Some other names many of you will recognize in the Legends…. Bill Seip, Cory Seip, and Wayne Barlock.



    (Cole is in the #28, and Brandon Moore in the #77)

    gunter desanti
    C Kistler wrote:
    In other words, someone lost their arse promoting your race yesterday, or , someone has some major sponsor bucks to keep the series going.

    Sounds familiar,Some Kind Uncle Spending Anonimously :loco



    Great video . I guess two of the legends cars didn’t make it out in the final race so Brandon still finished last 16th out of the 16 in the field. I had to count the cars after I heard the announcer in your video. I know there were 18 registered though.


    With any form of racing there are inherent risks involved. My son does have great safety gear. Simpson Helmet, HANS device, Butler built seat with halo, but the best safety device of all, he drives within his abilities. I was just happy that my son did not cause or get involved in any accidents on the track Saturday as it was his very first time in the car. I hope we can get to a track to just get some seat time before next season starts.

    Just to clarify about the payouts. It was not just the legends cars that had payouts it was all the classes that ran. Modifieds, trucks, hornets, and legends. So while still trying to figure out how that was possible? In karting I figure it’s just like all the contractors I have worked for in the past. Not one of them makes any money off the jobs they bid (at least that’s what I hear after each job). I realize they may have not made as much money as they originally planned 15% profit instead of the 20%, but the fact of the matter is they still made money. The economy is the best reason I could give for trying to give back a little to the racers. If the tracks and or promoters are not making money then what is the reason they do it? I don’t believe it is as simple as we love racing and I enjoy it so much that I’m willing to take a loss financially to do it. There is tons of money spent on karting every year ( I know how much I spent a year on it). I absolutely wouldn’t expect a $250 payout for first at a local race, but there can’t be any reason other than the tracks and or promoter are putting on the races for a loss.

    Derick “Brian” Moore
    Father of Brandon #77 Legends

    Jay Luttrull

    Great video Angie!! Love the Legend cars. PPIR looks like a great place to race those. 18 car count is awesome. Good luck to all the karters racing Legends next yr.

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