6-24-07 Mile High series race results on My Laps

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    Angie MacEwen


    Thanks to all for a great day!

    It was great to see so many new faces out there.

    Thanks to Brad for putting some extra effort into the track.

    Sorry for the delays – think we have learned, for sure, to not put that second practice in.

    Thanks to Craig Mansfield for doing track pick up duty in the golf kart… you did a great job!

    Sorry for the transponder issues, thank you to those who watched theirs carefully, and kept them charged. Thank you even more to those who have their own, and used them! If you had any doubt as to whether you should get one, a day like today should remind you that you should just do it.

    On a personal note…. Thank you to Bill Ray for playing crew chief for our two Jr 1 Hondas! You were a blessing, for sure. Thanks Kyle for sharing your dad for the day! Also to all of those who pitched in to get the Hondas running right again. And of course, to my Mom and Art, who we couldn’t manage without… Grandma makes a pretty good trophy girl, too!

    While we are at it….. Cole would like to thank Jim Keesling and the Doghouse Racing team, who, along with his other sponsors (Motion Pro, Interstate Honda) made it possible to pull off a double win!

    ok, now I am done (hope I didn’t forget anyone)



    Justin Mueller

    Besides the heat the heat and the more heat the races were a lot of fun to watch and participate in. And just so anyone who would like to know no matter what you do. Backrubs,, Money,, GO FAST There is nothing you can do to buy a couple seconds for each lap from ANGIE

    Rick Schmidt

    I don’t know, a back rub might get you a tenth and a good pounding by Ken. Have you ever shaken his hand!!! :hit

    Angie MacEwen

    Well, Justin, I wasn’t leaving you out….. I was going to put a thank you to you for the refreshments, but thought it might look bad, with you trying to BRIBE me and all! Nah, really, it was nice of you to bring me refreshments, and a shoulder rub never hurt anyone! Thanks!


    Justin Mueller

    NO WORRIES Ken and I are brothers from different mothers haven’t you ever seen us stand next to each other, After the keesling haircut you can hardly tell us apart . With a couple visits to the tattoo parlor we will be identical

    Kirk Deason

    Angie, thanks for letting my daughter hang out in the tower with you all day. She felt VERY important, i hope she wasn’t too much of a bother.

    Rick Schmidt

    And thank you for getting the results up so quick Angie. I actually looked at these last night but was too tired to post.


    Mike Jansen

    @Rick Schmidt wrote:

    I actually looked at these last night but was too tired to post

    The Metamusil didn’t kick in quick enough?
    I told you to drink Red Bull (it gives you wings!)
    The coffin nails take your breath away? They aways do!
    Next thing you’ll be tellin’ us is that your not regular eh? :mrgreen:

    8) 😆 :loony:

    Angie MacEwen

    Justin – that is funny. Good luck getting Ken to a tattoo parlor, though, your chances there are about as good as getting his ear pierced. And I wouldn’t count on getting him drunk to do it. He isn’t likely to have a repeat of GJ any time soon. :oOo :drink

    Kirk – your daughter was no trouble. She is a character, for sure, but a joy to have around. She stayed away in the morning rush when I asked her to, and when she came back, she asked to make sure it was OK to come in. Who could say no to that! :star

    Rick – You are welcome! I should have the points updated in the morning ( I know you are all checking!) :type:


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