4-wks & Counting: No Fee Schedules Yet

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    Brad, Jim, Stacy,

    Okay now we are 4 wks away. So who is going to blink first and release their fees? Are you waiting for a Gov’t Bridge Loan?

    What are your fee schedules for 2009 season:

    Season fee:
    Race Day fee:
    Pit Spot Fee:
    Rotax race day fee:
    Test/Tune day fee:

    Why do I have to ask these questions? Where are the rest of you karters outside the few who have commented. Am I your stooge all the time? Get off your duff and comment, so I don’t have to take the flak all the time. I believe the only track that has their fees listed is George at CRE-that a way George!

    Brad Linkus

    Rich, our test and tune day fees are the same $35. The Denver Rotax Challenge entry fee is free if you are entered in a TAG or Minimax class. CSC fees will be announced in a week or so, we are waiting on sponsor commitments.

    IMI is introducing the 2009 IMI/TheClub Racers Stimulus Package:

    The “IMI/TheClub Series Bundles

    IMI/TheClub Series Bundle#1

    1 class entry
    1 setof 4 MG tires, any combination of sizes
    1 10′ x 20′ Pit spot

    IMI/TheClub Series Bundle#2

    1 class entry
    1 10′ x 20′ Pit spot

    2009 IMI/TheClub Series Stimulus Package Registration:



    State________________Zip___________________Age (if under 18)____________


    Kart#________ Transponder#_____________________

    _____125 Shifter (yellow) _____125cc Shifter Heavy (black)
    _____Spec 125 Shifter (blue) _____Spec 125 Master (yellow)
    _____DD2 (black) _____DD2 Masters (yellow)
    _____TAG Senior (red) _____TAG Masters (yellow)
    _____TAG Junior (blue) _____TAG 4-cycle (yellow)
    _____TAG Mini Max (yellow) _____Rotax Sr (red)
    _____Rotax Master (yellow) _____Rotax Jr (blue)
    _____Rotax Mini Max (yellow) _____Novice 125cc (S5) (red)
    _____Junior 1 Honda (red) _____Junior 1 – Comer 80 (black
    _____Kid Kart (white) _____Open (white)

    $40 Annual one time registration per class=__________
    $230 IMI/TheClub Bundle #1: 1 class entry + 1 set MG Tires + 1 10×20 pit spot=_______
    $60 IMI.TheClub Bundle#2: 1 class entry + 1 10×20 pit spot=_________
    $55Extra entries in family____x =_______$15Extra Pit Spaces____x=__________
    $10Extra Pit Passes ___x=_______$5______Transponder rental=_______
    Total =______________

    Payment by:_____Cash _____Check _____Credit Card Fax#303-833-0502

    Faxed in forms only Card# _________________________________________

    Exp. Date __________ 3 Digit code __________

    Billing address: ______________________________________________


    Name on card: _______________________________________________

    Signature: ___________________________________________________

    Tom Dennin


    While I think the “Racer Stimulus Packages” are great and appreciated for the recognition that money is tight all over, I asked this same question about 5 years ago.

    Why is there a $55 extra per class charge?

    $55Extra class____x =_______

    Is it the insurance? Wouldn’t the insurance be covered on the first class entrance fee for the entire day while on the facility racing or not?
    Is it paying the track officials? Aren’t the track officials paid for the entire day and not based on the number of entrants in any specific race?
    Is it the cost of fuel and tires? Not unless they were provided which they aren’t.

    I am missing the rationale for the the extra charge when running an extra class. If a racer has spent the extra $$$$$ on a second kart, fuel, tires, chains, gears, etc.. It would appear that the track would be making enough money off of the racer without adding the extra expense of $55/extra class entered. The only thing the $55/extra class has done for me over the years is stopped me from buying more fuel and possibly tires. I,for one, would run TAG Master and Senior if not for the extra class charge.

    Please help me understand.

    Thank you ,


    Brad Linkus

    Simple Obama logic, if you can afford to run two classes then you can help pay for the stimulus packages for the others who can’t. 😀 Actually the extra class line is for those who have two or more racing in the same family. It was $25 for running an additional class last year and it is the same this season.

    The IMI/TheClub bundle saves you huge as compared to last season:

    $65 entry
    $198 MG tires
    $15 Pit spot
    x 6 races =$1668

    $230 IMI/TheClub Bundle
    x 6 races= $1380 =$288 +$48 for MG tires $8 a set price increase for 2009=$336 or $56 a race savings over the cost for 2008.

    That is $2 more a race than the Obama $54 dollar a month stimulus package.

    stacey cook

    Brad, our MG tires went down $8 per set did you not get your stimulous plan. :loony:

    Brad Linkus

    Stacey, I hope your joking! I must be getting the stimuLouis special pricing.

    Tom Dennin

    Thanks for the info.

    Why is there any extra fee at all for running more than one class? Nothing is occurring on a race weekend that wouldn’t be with or without that fee. Except in this case a larger field of karts in which that particular race was going to take place regardless. ❓ ❓



    Brad Linkus

    Contrary to popular belief, it cost real money to put on a club race. If additional classes were free and everyone wanted to run two, don’t you think it would cost more if there were twice as many entries? When you pay for the ambulance, insurance, labor, trophies, administrative costs, meetings, year end banquet etc… you are lucky to make a $1000 gross profit on a club race. Then you can take out the other expenses of running the rest of a motor sports business: property tax, admission tax, mortgage interest, track maintenance, property maintenance, trash, crappers, etc… and amortize that by the day and it goes down much further. The reality is there are not enough racers to support Colorado club racing to pay all the actual bills and make any real profit in doing it. If you look at the race day income only, and not include income from other sources, a kart track makes very little money for holding a race event. That is why it is important to get support from class sponsors to help offset the costs of holding a series. It is also important for the racers to participate in numbers necessary to at least break even. Ask Stacey, George, JB ,Jim how much money they make on a typical club race, I know the answer as I have been doing this for 38 years. I am trying to encourage the current karting participants to race and hope to encourage new racers with the stimulus IMI/TheClub bundle packages.

    Tom Dennin


    I really do appreciate you answering. I understand that a track owner makes more money on the weekends from rental karts and test & tunes than any else.

    I am going to break down one portion of your response.

    if additional classes were free and everyone wanted to run two, don’t you think it would cost more if there were twice as many entries? When you pay for the ambulance, insurance, labor, trophies, administrative costs, meetings, year end banquet etc…

    Why would it cost twice as much for twice the amount of entries? Sounds to me like with the extra class fee you would then be making 1 1/2x more. The ambulance, insurance, labor, trophies, admin fees, meetings, year end banquet etc.. for that class with now twice as many entrants would have been accounted for from the outset prior to the event. The bigger the class the more interest it draws. The more interest it draws the bigger the class. The bigger the class the more money for the track owners. The only problem with that is most karters don’t have the required equipment, skill, time, money, age, weight, etc… to be involved with two classes. Therefore, those who have the want and equipment to run multiple classes are actually promoting karting, drawing attention to the larger fields and eventually if not immediately putting some no matter how little money back into the track owners pocket. So wouldn’t it make sense that those who run multiple classes should definitely not pay an extra fee when in fact they should be getting a reduced fee on their initial registration due to their contribution to the track. :clap: :usa:

    How about with the $25 extra class fee those racers get a $25 fuel voucher so the money is spent? or a $25 IMI test and tune voucher? Then everyone wins.


    Brad Linkus


    Just for you:
    IMI/TheClub Series Tom Dennin Special deal:

    If you, “Tom Dennin”, sign up and run the six “IMI/TheClub Race Series” you will be able to run any additional class free of charge.

    Doug Haner

    Brad, I’m assuming that there is no season fee for your club races then.

    Only the race and pit fees included in the “IMI/TheClub Series Bundles?”

    Brad Linkus

    No, there still is the $40 one time annual registration fee if you want to be counted for the season points. No bogus license fee’s, rabbi shots, green card, hard card required.

    Doug Haner

    @blink wrote:

    No, there still is the $40 one time annual registration fee if you want to be counted for the season points. No bogus license fee’s, rabbi shots, green card, hard card required.

    Yeah, I see that on the sheet now. I guess I should’ve opened my eyes a bit better first.

    Good to hear I don’t have to pay for the dog to hang out in the truck though. :mrgreen:


    Thanks Brad!!!!!!!! 😀

    Now allyou weiner karters can come out of the woodwork and start asking quesions and complaining! 😥

    Rodney Ebersole

    Dick Veto,
    I have some used tires and trophies to give you for all the hard work you do for the karting community.

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