24 Hours at The Track!

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    Jim Keesling

    24 Hours at The Track

    Following in the steps of the greatest car race ever, The Track at Centennial announces ”24 Hours at The Track” kart challenge.

    The race will be run on the same weekend as the 24 Hour Le Mans race, June 14-15, 2008.

    Entries will be limited to three classes.
    1) All gearbox karts (Icc, Moto, DD2)
    2) All TaG / single speed karts
    3) Arrive and Drive corporate karts.

    Tentative start time: 12:00 Noon Saturday. Finish time: 12:00 noon Sunday. Teams with the most laps completed will be declared the winner in each of the three classes.

    Music, food and drink will make this a great party for a spectator, as well as live coverage of the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

    More information to follow, including entry fee, team and race requirements.

    Do you have what it takes?

    Jon Romenesko



    (sounds like fun)

    Greg Welch

    Count us in, we will run either DD2 or tag, or maybe both depending on drivers.

    Will there be an age limit? Can we run TaG junior drivers in with seniors on our team?

    What about class minimum weights?

    Ian Koentges and I are for sure in, maybe I’ll convince ol Adrian Carrio to come up and make a run.

    Brad Linkus

    Wear your kart and engine out in 1 day, great idea! That is more hours put on your equipment than in two seasons for the average racer.

    Les Prins

    Jim, You must have put in lights?!

    Jeff Field

    That sounds wild! :rotate: No way could my body take that. I’d come check it out or wrench if anyone needs help.

    Maybe consider doing just 4 or 5 hours?

    Ben Schermerhorn

    Count us in too!

    Eddy Wyatt

    Thanks Jim. Sounds like a great opportunity for me to place my Crew Chief/Tuner for hire post.

    Any takers? I’m Available!!!! Hourly and flat rates no problem.

    Eddy Wyatt

    Jesse Runkle

    @Greg Welch wrote:

    Count us in, we will run either DD2 or tag, or maybe both depending on drivers.

    Will there be an age limit? Can we run TaG junior drivers in with seniors on our team?

    What about class minimum weights?

    Ian Koentges and I are for sure in, maybe I’ll convince ol Adrian Carrio to come up and make a run.

    Greg what about me man i can fit in your kart

    Greg Welch

    Thats why I asked about junior drivers Jesse, I was already thinking about you.

    Rick Schmidt

    We’re probably going to have to sit this one out with it being the weekend before our Csc Championship season opener and I’m sure changing the Csc dates would really enrage the karting community at this point. πŸ™

    I want to start the season with my driver and equipment fresh, sitting in my trailer shined up, caressed and ready to rock. It is just scheduled to close to risk crash damage or sore ribs and have time heal and freshen up my junk. (4 days?) I don’t have a back up motor for either class, God forbid it should rain! That is very hard on the 2 stroke motors and would require freshening by the following weekend, if the Csc is you goal and you want it to run up front, it’s pretty tight on time.

    Are we still on for an enduro at a more reasonable time slot in this years schedule? (late winter, early spring) Maybe start with a 6 or even 12 hour race and work our way up to a 24 hour event? Are you still up for this Brad? Brian Robson has been involved in many of these and sure he would help us as well as Curt K. This would be fun as well and has generated some interest. It may be more in the means for some of us competitors to not have their backs against the wall prepping for their next race. It would give racers who couldn’t pull off the time frames for the 24 hour race a cool off season event as the racers have discussed. Those of you who have called or emailed my about the enduro and if the 24 hour race has replaced it. I guess you’ll need to follow this thread for more information.

    A 24 hour race sounds really cool and would be fun, but does not make sense at this stage of the game for us.

    Maybe next year.

    I might be interested in coming out and tuning if someone needs help as well.



    Don’t even think about changing the CSC dates again!

    Charles πŸ‘Ώ


    Jim, I like that you are doing creative thinking, but I have to agree with Blink-too many hrs put on a motor.

    Tony LaPorta

    Ya, Im with Brad and all you guy’s.
    I dont feel like deystroying a kart and motor with the season opener that close.

    😯 Shocker, I know.

    Greg Welch

    I’ll talk to my dad when he gets back from Chicago, but look for the possibility of doing some arrive and drives on our equipment.

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